A scale for how "chatty" a preschooler is?

Katie Alcock k.j.alcock at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Sep 14 10:27:53 UTC 2011

My impression is that these kids are not always highly verbal until it's bedtime and they want to stall.... Slightly flippant, but it might not be a reliable measure, depending on who's assessing it, as it could be situational.

I guess it could be related to shyness, which is usually measured in a temperament measure?

A quick search comes up with

     Reticent primary grade children and their more talkative peers: Verbal, nonverbal, and self-concept characteristics.
Evans, Mary Ann
Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 88(4), Dec 1996, 739-749

which suggests many children move between "talkative" groups within a school year - suggesting it's not particularly stable.

On 14 Sep 2011, at 00:59, Barbara Pearson wrote:

> She is doing sleep research and for a grant proposal is trying to follow up on a comment from teachers and parents that "some kids are highly verbal and they
> tend to be harder to get to sleep."

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