[Lexicog] Cheyenne dictionary and blog

Benjamin Barrett gogaku at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sat Sep 9 22:19:59 UTC 2006

That is the correct frame. It's just above the letters A - a.

Three other people from the Japanese Honyaku group have just confirmed 
no garbling. It seems to be an isolated incident, limited to my faculties.

Perhaps it is an ISP issue, though I've never known my ISP to do 
anything like this...BB

Mike Maxwell wrote:
> Benjamin Barrett wrote:
> > Based on Nick's page, the content of the page isn't getting garbled.
> > Above the content, there are a few lines of Chinese and question marks
> > being added in. Digging at the frames a little deeper, I've found the
> > source. After the line:
> >
> > <meta name=robots content="noindex, nofollow">
> >
> > in the source code, there's a skipped line, then a line beginning 
> with a
> > two-byte asterisk and the garbled characters. That line ends as
> >
> > <script src="../javascript/hi.js">
> >
> >
> > It seems like a coding issue that my computer isn't reading 
> correctly for some reason. BB
> Curiouser and curiouser. I don't see any characters there at all, much
> less any asterisk and garbled chars. Instead, in the source of the
> frame, the 'script' line is exactly as you show it here, i.e. the first
> char on the line is the "<" of the <script...> tag. At least if I'm in
> the right frame. The frames I see are:
> 1) Top, all the way across, with the word "Cheyenne" and the letters of
> the Cheyenne alphabet.
> 2) Upper left, between (1) and (2) and to the left of (4), with the
> words "English - Cheyenne" and the letters of the English alphabet.
> 3) Left, below (2) and to the left of (4), with the letters "A - a" at
> the top (or whatever letters you click on in (2)), and a column of
> English-Cheyenne words below.
> 4) Right, below (1) and to the right of (2) and (3), Cheyenne dictionary
> entries beginning with the clicked-on letters of (1).
> The frame that has the <meta...> tag and the <script...> tag is the
> latter frame.
> I wonder if your ISP has cached this dictionary, and is showing you an
> old view of it?

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