LFG2004 - Program

Mohanan, Tara W elltaram at nus.edu.sg
Fri Apr 23 01:33:59 UTC 2004

      Lexical Functional Grammar 2004


              Hosted by
          Department of Linguistics,
     University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

         July 10-12, 2004
     Christchurch, New Zealand

Friday. July 9		Pre-conference activity

Saturday, July 10

9:00-10:00		Invited talk 			
		Jane Simpson (Univ. of Sidney)		TBA

10:00-11:20	Session 1A

	Mary Dalrymple, Ron Kaplan and Tracy Holloway King
		Lexical Structures as Generalizations over
	Genady Beryozkin and Nissim Francez
		The "lost" reading of control sentences and 
		plural semantics in Glue

11:20-12:30	Poster/Demo Session and Coffee
	Dick Crouch, Tracy Holloway King, Stefan Riezler 
				and Annie Zaenen 
		Exploiting F-structure Input for Sentence 
	Mary Dalrymple, Helge Dyvik, and Tracy Holloway King
		Copular Complements: Closed or Open?
	Carol Neidle
		Syntactic study of a signed language: an annotated 
		ASL corpus and computer-based tools for 
		linguistic analysis of visual language data
	Valia Kordoni
		Modern Greek ditransitives in LMT
	Miriam Butt and Alexandros Tantos
		Verbal Semantics via Petri Nets

12:30-14:00	Lunch

14:00-16:00	Session 1B
	Anette Frank and Jiri Semecky
		Corpus-based Induction of a Frame Semantics 
		Projection for LFG
	Micheal Burke, Aoife Cahill, Ruth O'Donovan, 
				Josef van Genabith, and Andy Way
		Evaluation of an Automatic F-Structure Algorithm 
		against the Parc 700
	Carol Neidle and Robert G Lee
		Unification, competition and optimality in 
		signed languages: aspects of the syntax of 
		American Sign Language (ASL)

16:00-16:30	Break

16:30-18:30	Session 1C
	Leonoor van der Beek
		Object Marking through Word Order
	Helge Lodrup
		The Diversity and Unity of the Accusative with 
		Infinitive Construction: A Norwegian Perspective
	Kersti Borjars and Nigel Vincent
 		LFG and the typology of complementizer constructions

Sunday, July 11

9:00-10:00		Invited talk
	Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy (Univ. of Canterbury)

10:00-10:30	Break

10:30-12:30	Session 2A

	Tibor Laczko
 		Grammatical Functions, LMT, and 
		Control in the Hungarian DP  Revisited
	Elizabeth Coppock
		"Object" Agreement in Hungarian
	Louise Mycock
 		The Wh-Expletive Construction

12:30-14:00	Lunch

14:00-16:30	WORKSHOP: Coordination and Agreement

16:30-17:00	Break

17:00-18:20	Session 2B

	Florian Jäger
 		Binding theory in LFG and HSPG revisited 
		and refined: The case of exemption
	Elisabeth Norcliffe
	 	Anaphoric binding in Jakaltek


Monday, July 12

9:00-10:20		Session 3A

	Nick Evans and Rachel Nordlinger	
		Extreme Morphological Shift: Verbal case in Kayardil
	Ana Luis and Ryo Otoguro 
		The contexts triggering proclisis in European 
		Portuguese and their effect on clitic placement

10:20-10-40	Break

10:40-12:40	Session 3B

	Yehuda Falk
 		The Hebrew Present-Tense Copula as a Mixed Category
	Douglas Ball	
		Pseudo-Noun Incorporation and Argument Structure 
		in Niuean
	Leonoor van der Beek and Gerlof Bouma
		Non-universality and Optimal Theoretic Syntax

12:40-14:00	Lunch

14:00-15:20	Session 3C

 Chiharu Uda Kikuta
		An Optimality-Theoretic Alternative to 
		the Apparent Wh-Movement in Old Japanese
 Hitoshi Horiuchi		 
 		Lexical Integrity, Head Sharing, and 
		Case Marking in Japanese

15:20-15:40	Break

15:40-17:00	Session 3D

	Helen Charters
		Taking Functional control: Relative Clauses in 
		Mandarin Second Language Acquisition
	Peter Peterson
		Non-restrictive relatives and other 
		non-syntagmatic  relations in an LF framework



Cathryn Donohue, Mark Donohue: 	
	On the special status of instrumentals

Charles O. Marfo, Adams B. Bodomo: 	
	Information Processing in Akan Question-word fronting 
	and Focus constructions

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