LFG and expletives

Nina Svaerke Hansen nsh.id at cbs.dk
Wed Nov 17 10:45:44 UTC 2004

Dear LFG,

I am currently working on a PhD-thesis on danish expletives.  I have been looking in the following references for a thorough LFG analysis on expletives:

Bresnan(1982): The passive in Lexical Theory
Bresnan(2001): Lexical-Functional Syntax
Falk(2001):Lexical-Functional Grammar
Dalrymple(2001):Lexical Functional Grammar
Butt et al.(1999) A Grammar Writer's Cookbook
Berman(1995/6): Deutche und Französische Syntax im Formalismus der LFG

I would however like to find further information on LFG and expletive constructions, so I hope you can help me.

Best regards,
Nina Sværke Hansen
Ph.D. student
Department of Computational Linguistics
Copenhagen Business School

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