Summary: LFG treatment of Spanish "one-anaphora"

Estigarribia, Bruno estigarr at EMAIL.UNC.EDU
Tue Oct 4 18:48:15 UTC 2011

Hello all,

Here is a summary of replies to my query about how people have modeled Spanish headless NPs that function like English one-anaphora (e.g., "las nuevas", i.e. "the new", meaning "The new ones").

John Payne pointed me to his work 'Fusion of functions: The syntax of once, twice and thrice' (John Payne, Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum). Journal of Linguistics (43) 2007: 565-603.

Ivan Sag pointed me to Frank Van Eynde. 2006. NP-Internal Agreement and the Structure of the Noun Phrase. Journal of Linguistics 42: 139--186.

Steve Wechsler pointed me to his paper on Russian adjectives with Hyun-Jong Hahm in LFG 2007.

Martin Forst suggested I check the ParGram analyses for Norwegian and German (at

Ash Asudeh mentioned Kuhn, Jonas. 2001. Resource sensitivity in the syntax-semantics interface and the German split NP construction. In W. Detmar Meurers and Tibor Kiss, eds., Constraint-Based Approaches to Germanic Syntax. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Alex Alsina mentioned Luis Eguren's paper in Lingua 2010 with examples like: talking about naranjas, you can say "¿Tienes sin piel?" "¿Tienes que sean fáciles de pelar?".

I think it is reasonable to think that the Adj introduces an optional anaphoric PRED one level up, to give the NP a PRED value (as do Hyun Jong and Steve). This is consistent with John's work as well...

Thanks to all!


Bruno Estigarribia
Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Research Assistant Professor of Psychology, Cognitive Science Program
Investigator, Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities
Dey Hall, Room 332
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
estigarr at<mailto:estigarr at>

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