Edward Sapir Book Prize of the SLA

Richard J. Senghas Richard.Senghas at sonoma.edu
Wed Oct 10 16:25:46 UTC 2001

Hello Linguistic Anthro Folk [apologies in advance for cross-postings]:

It appears that when the September issue of the Anthropology News went to
press, the following announcement was not included in the Awards Alert
section, even though reference was made to it in the Section News column of
the Society for Linguistic Anthropology. Our apologies for any confusion or
inconvenience. Please feel free to disseminate this announcement by posting
in your departments or appropriate publications.

Thank you.

-Richard J Senghas
SLA Contributing Editor to Anthropology News


SLA Announces New Edward Sapir Book Prize

The Society for Linguistic Anthropology announces the establishment of the
Edward Sapir Book Prize of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology, to be
awarded alternate years to a book that makes the most significant
contribution to our understanding of language in society, or the ways in
which language mediates historical or contemporary sociocultural processes.
The SLA invites books with conceptual and theoretical focus, as well as
ethnographic and descriptive works. Single-authored or multi-authored books
­but not edited collections­ published within the last three years are
eligible.  A substantive letter of nomination and published reviews, if
available, should be sent to Susan Gal, Dept of Anthropology, 1126 East 59th
St, Chicago, IL 60637 before Dec 31, 2001.  A committee designated by the
president of the SLA will evaluate all submissions, request the books from
the publishers, and choose prize winners. Winners will be announced and
prizes awarded at the Business Meeting of the SLA during the annual meeting
of the AAA.

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