language and identity references

Sun Jan 8 02:02:27 UTC 2006

A month or so ago I asked for suggestions for readings on language and identity targeted towards lower-level undergrads. 

I ended up using the first chapter in John Joseph's book _Language and Identity: National, Ethnic, Religious_.

Here are other suggestions I got:

from Jacqui Messing:

González, Norma.  (2001). "The hearts of the children:  Emotion, language, and identity," pgs. 45-71 In I am my language: Discourses of women & children in the borderlands.  Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

>From Kate Remlinger:

Norma Mendoza-Denton's article, Language and  Identity, in The Handbook of Language Variation and Change,  Chambers, Trudgill, & Schilling-Estes (eds), and Andree Tabouret-Keller's piece, Language and Identity, in the Handbook of Discourse Analysis, Schiffrin, Tannen, & Hamilton (eds). Both are published by Blackwell.

from Jim Wilce:

One of Basso's articles like Speaking 
with Names or Stalking with Stories is really a text about language and (Apache traditional) identity if the topic is broadly construed.

>From Benjamin Bailey:

Some sections of Karen Tracy's "Everyday Talk" could be appropriate. She combines empirical discourse examples with undergraduate friendly

Thanks to everyone who responded.


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