Threat to NSF Funding Averted

Maggie Ronkin ronkinm at
Mon May 22 16:35:59 UTC 2006

from the AAA:

Last Thursday, May 18, Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) and Frank 
Lautenberg (D-NJ) negotiated compromise language for provisions of S. 2802 
(the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act of 2006) related to the 
funding priorities of the National Science Foundation. The compromise 
language effectively ended the threat posed by Sen. Hutchison’s original 
proposed amendment to S. 2802 which called for the NSF to direct its 
resources primarily to the physical sciences, thereby putting funding for 
social/behavioral science funding at risk. This is no longer the case and 
the social/behavioral science research funding at the NSF will be given the 
same priority as that for the physical sciences. AAA members were asked to 
contact Senators on the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee 
last week to register their opposition to Sen. Hutchison’s amendment. The 
AAA is extremely grateful to members who took action and communicated their 
support for the social/behavioral sciences. Given this very positive 
outcome, AAA members should hold off on contacting members of the Senate 
Commerce, Science & Transportation about this issue. Letters/e-mails of 
appreciation to Senators Hutchison and Lautenberg for reaching a compromise 
would, of course, be appropriate.

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