CfA: Postdoctoral Fellowships, Centre for East European Language-Based Area Studies (CEELBAS), University College London

Jennifer Dickinson Jennifer.Dickinson at
Fri Nov 10 02:30:49 UTC 2006

----- Forwarded message from cbakertw1 at -----
      Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 13:05:25 +0000
      From: Catherine Baker <cbakertw1 at>
Reply-To: Catherine Baker <cbakertw1 at>
   Subject: Fwd: CfA: Postdoctoral Fellowships, Centre for East
European Language-Based Area Studies (CEELBAS), University College

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Centre for East European Language-Based Area Studies (CEELBAS)
University College London

CEELBAS, a new collaborative research centre
funded by the ESRC/AHRC/HEFCE, invites
applications for five Postdoctoral Fellowships in the following areas:
University College London, School of Slavonic and
East European Studies, from 1 January 2007:

• Cities and Urban Experience in Eastern Europe

• Health and Welfare In Eastern Europe
University of Oxford, Russian and East European Studies,
from 1 April 2007:

• Social Inequality in Eastern Europe

• Cultural Processes in Eastern Europe
University of Birmingham, Centre for Russian and East European
Studies at the European Research Institute, from 1 January 2007:

• Polish Foreign Policy
The funding provides for 2 or 3 year Fellowships.
Two further Postdoctoral Fellowships in
'Migration and Diasporic Citizenship' and
'Economies of Central and Eastern Europe' will be
advertised for 2008-09. For further information
about the Centre and details of the
advertised Fellowships, please visit the relevant websites:

Closing dates for applications: 30th November
2006 (UCL, Birmingham), 15th January (Oxford)

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Jennifer Dickinson
Soyuz Webmaster, H-Soyuz List Editor
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
University of Vermont

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