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Maggie Ronkin ronkinm at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Sep 29 14:03:18 UTC 2009

Is anyone working in a great ANTHRO MA Program with mid-year admissions and a fast track?  I am sending the questions below for my star student in a language, culture, and communication course at Pakistan's flagship university. She  finished her BA in the summer. 
She planned to go to the University of London, but they didn't get her TOEFL scores in time. I'm sure the scores are OK; she understands and writes like a native speaker. The student emailed me about anything in anthropology right now, but I have had a hard time finding anthropology MA programs in top universities for regular applicants; it's less clear that any such program has mid-year admissions or that anything in it would transfer. I can guess that the student convinced her parents to let her leave as soon as possible for overseas studies :). She's well prepared for US universities; she's highly intelligent, mature, interesting, progressive. Please reply directly to me with weblink and graduate program/advisor name and email contact. Thanks, Maggie
Does your MA program do mid-year admissions-i.e. now? 
Is there anything different about admissions for US and international students?

Could someone who truly works non-stop start mid-year and get a degree by Fall 2010?
Can an international student get service-learning experience and/or an assistantship in your program?
Have your graduates been able to go straight to anthropology PhD programs?  In the USA?  In the UK?  
If in the UK might one such graduate be contacted?
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