Recommendations for FLOSS Lexical Database Softrware?

Kerim Friedman oxusnet at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 9 08:13:46 UTC 2013

Dear colleagues,

I am part of a team of researchers in Taiwan working with Austronesian
languages. We would like to launch a website that could allow native
speakers to enter lexical data which could then be turned around and used
by others. For example, to create online dictionaries, mobile apps, to make
word games, etc. Ideally we would like to use an already tested FLOSS
(Free/Libre and Open Source Software) project that would require minimal
work to adapt to our target languages.

I have already begun a list of available software projects (not all of
which are FLOSS) which might be useful to list members:

(Feel free to add these to the "tools" section of the SLA website.) If you
know of any additional projects that we should be looking at, please reply
to me off-list and I will add it to the above URL.

The project we are working on also plans to make the data gathered
available under the "open definition" set up by the Open Knowledge
Foundation: Unfortunately we are very short on
funds, so the less work we need to do to adapt a project to our needs, the

Thank you for your help.




*P. Kerim Friedman 傅可恩 <>*

Associate Professor
Department of Indigenous Cultures
College of Indigenous Studies
National DongHwa University, TAIWAN

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