[Linganth] ASA panel on linguistics for social anthropology

King, Dr Alexander D. a.king at abdn.ac.uk
Tue Nov 11 11:03:57 UTC 2014

Dear Colleagues,

I am convening a panel on the importance of attention to language form at the ASA meetings in Exeter. Please forward this CFP to interested colleagues. thanks, Alex


ASA15: Symbiotic anthropologies: theoretical commensalities and methodological mutualisms 13th-16th April 2015, University of Exeter

The medium is the message: attention to language and ways of speaking in understanding sociality

Convenor: Alexander King (University of Aberdeen)


Malinowski stressed the importance of taking down ethnographic information directly in the native tongue (1922:23-24). This corpus inscriptionum, to use his phrase, provides an invaluable record of linguistic and cultural information that is useful for the ethnographer and many others. Unfortunately, Malinowski's students ignored this advice and contributions from linguistics generally, often working as if language were a transparent medium through which messages can be transmitted and translated without problem.

Inspired by Dell Hymes's famous quip 'language is too important to leave to the linguists and linguistics is too important ignore' this panel explores the productive symbiosis between linguistics and social anthropology. Linguists are increasingly conducting fieldwork, confronting a whole new generation of students with all the complexities that experience-near research entails. They are revaluing the project of basic description, creating documentation not only as a way to preserve data but as an act of recognition of their fellow human beings who inhabit other social worlds. Linguists have never before been more open to the disciplinary perspective of anthropology, seeing it as a welcome guide. At the same time, linguists' longstanding commitment to clarity in research design can constructively complement anthropologists' methodological openness. For example, linguists have been thinking hard in recent years about the disposition and management of the many varieties of information all researchers now hold in their possession, and they have well-developed models for comprehensive data management plans that simplify the future use of material for sharing with the source community and use in further research projects.

To propose a paper please use the web interface. Abstract deadline December 1:

Senior Lecturer and Head of Department, Anthropology, University of Aberdeen (office x2732, EWB G2)

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Tha Oilthigh Obar Dheathain na charthannas clàraichte ann an Alba, Àir. SC013683.

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