[Linganth] Fully Funded MA in Anthropology Program

Berman, Elise eberman at uncc.edu
Mon Jan 30 15:00:54 UTC 2017

Dear all,

We have an anthropology MA program at UNC Charlotte and several
options for people interested in linguistic anthropology--in addition
to myself we have linguistic anthropologists or applied linguists in
the Religion and English departments and students often take classes
in the Linguistics MA program as well as the Anthropology MA program.
We have a general as well as applied MA track.

We will be providing full tuition for our Fall 2017 admitted students.
Non-residents will need to hold a RAship or TAship, but residents will
not need support to qualify for this program. We must make these
decisions by May 15 to get the tuition covered.

Please pass this information along to any interested students. For
more information see http://anthropology.uncc.edu/graduate-program

Elise Berman

Elise Berman
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
UNC Charlotte

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