Verbal agreement with NP-internal modifiers

Guillaume Jacques rgyalrongskad at GMAIL.COM
Sat Aug 23 08:59:00 UTC 2014

Dear Rachel,

In the Sino-Tibetan/Trans-Himalayan family, several languages that have
been described with possessor raising might be cases of what you are
looking for.

In the extinct Tangut language, the verb can agree with a SAP possessor
marked with the genitive (Jacques 2014:224)

xjow²tɕʰjwo¹  dʑjɨwji¹ [nji¹ jij¹ gji²bjij²] dja²-sja¹-wji¹-nja²-sji¹
Fengchang   ERG    [you GEN wife] DIR-kill-AUX-2SG-PFV
Fenchang killed your wife.

Another case is Jingpo, which has a special set of agreement markers (Dai
et al. 1990:382) for possessors, which can be used with both stative and
dynamic verbs, and which are distinct from the regular set of agreement

[nyéʔ          pālọ̄ng]   grài hprò       lìʔāi
1SG:POSS clothes very be.white  POSS:1SG:IPFV
My clothes are (very) white.

[shi             ńnpyé]       grài tsòm           lùʔāi
3SG:POSS backsack very be.beautiful  POSS:3SG:IPFV
His backsack is very beautiful.

The agreement markers above differ from those for 1SG and 3SG S argument,
which are n̄ngāi and āi respectively. Here again, the possessors are
marked with a possessive form, and are part of the NP.

Bickel (2000) also discusses related phenomena in Hakha Lai.

Best wishes,


Bickel, Balthasar (2000). On the syntax of agreement in Tibeto-Burman.
Studies in Language, 24:583-609
Jacques, Guillaume 2014 *Esquisse de phonologie et de morphologie
historique du tangoute*. Global Oriental. Leiden: Brill.
Dai, Qingxia and Xu Xijian 1990. *Jingpoyu yufa*. Beijing: Zhongyang
minzuxueyuan chubanshe.

2014-08-22 7:53 GMT+02:00 Rachel Nordlinger <racheln at>:

>  Dear LINGTYP-ers,
>  I am looking for languages in which verbal and/or clause-level agreement
> morphology (or bound pronoun system) is able to cross-reference an
> internal NP modifier. In other words, constructions where the agreement
> morphology is not cross-referencing the NP itself, but something inside the
> NP.  External possession constructions may appear to be an instance of
> this, but there is usually good evidence not to treat the possessor (which
> is cross-referenced) as an internal NP modifier in these cases, but rather
> to treat it as the argument of the verb itself (hence the traditional term
> ‘possessor raising’).  So I am not after examples like this.
>  Rather, what I am looking for are examples in which the cross-referenced
> element can be clearly shown to still be internal to the NP, even though it
> is cross-referenced.  Consider the following example from Gurindji
> (Australia) (data courtesy of Dr. Felicity Meakins):
>  (1)           *[Ngayiny**b**-ju       karu-ngku]**a**   ngu=yi**b**=lu*
> *a**                        tawirrjip*
> *pa-ni           marluka-wu         kurrurij.*
>             1MIN.DAT-ERG     child-ERG       AUX=1MIN.O=3AUG.S      pelt
>             hit-PST        car
>      My children pelted the old man's car (with rocks).
>  In this example there are two cross-referencing bound pronouns: -lu
> which cross-references the (augmented number) subject ‘My children’, and
> –yi which cross-references the possessor internal to the subject ‘my'.
>  That the possessor remains a modifier within the subject NP is shown
> clearly by the fact that it carries dative case, and agrees with the head
> noun ‘child-ERG’ in ergative case as well.  Thus, what we have here is a
> construction in which an NP-internal modifier is cross-referenced with
> morphology otherwise reserved for clausal arguments.
>  I am aware of an old paper by Stump and Yadav (1988) that discusses data
> from Maithili very similar to the Gurindji case shown above, and the brief
> discussion of ‘verb agreement with possessives’ in Corbett (2006: 61) which
> mentions a couple of languages including Jarawara and Tabasaran.  However,
> I am keen to find more examples, if possible.
>  If any of you are aware of other languages that do something like this,
> I would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.  If
> there is sufficient interest, I will post a summary.
>  Thanks,
>  Rachel
>   Corbett, Greville G. 2006. *Agreement*. Cambridge: CUP.
> Stump, Gregory and Ramawatar Yadav. 1988. Maithili verb agreement and the
> control agreement principle. *Linguistics Faculty Publications*, Paper
> 37.
>  --
> Rachel Nordlinger
> Associate Professor and Reader
> School of Languages and Linguistics
> University of Melbourne
> VIC 3010
> +61-(0)3-8344-4227

Guillaume Jacques
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