6.322 Confs: Seminar on endangered languages, EPIA'95

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Thu Mar 2 06:59:46 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-322. Thu 02 Mar 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 338
Subject: 6.322 Confs: Seminar on endangered languages, EPIA'95
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
               Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
               Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
[Moderators' note:  we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue.  Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
housing, transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.]
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 18:46:38 +0000 (GMT)
From: "D.A.Brickley" (Daniel.Brickley at bristol.ac.uk)
Subject: seminar announcement
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 95 16:34:49 +0000
From: njm at cupido.inesc.pt
Subject: 2nd CFP: EPIA'95
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 18:46:38 +0000 (GMT)
From: "D.A.Brickley" (Daniel.Brickley at bristol.ac.uk)
Subject: seminar announcement
                  announces  a  seminar  on
 Friday April 21st 1995  at  9 Woodland Rd,  Bristol BS8 1TB
   According to reliable estimates, half of the world's six
thousand languages will become extinct in the next century.
Furthermore, two thousand of the remaining three thousand
languages will be threatened during the century after next.
In the UK these startling facts have recently received media
attention, stimulated partly by the publication this year of
the Atlas of the World's Languages, edited by Christopher
Moseley and R.E.Asher (Routledge).
   The rapid decline is largely due to a mixture of economic
and political pressures affecting communities that speak
minority languages, pressures which remove the new
generation's motivation for communicating in their
traditional language.
   The problem of language-extinction raises fundamental
questions. What is the value of these threatened languages
to science and to humankind in general? What principles
might justify us in striving to keep small languages alive?
What reasons are there for preserving them in archive form?
   The seminar is aimed primarily at academics from such
disciplines as philosophy, ethics, anthropology,
linguistics, sociolinguistics, cultural history, ecology and
population biology, but is open to all interested persons.
                       Seminar  Programme
                Registration Desk opens 9.30a.m.
10-11am  Mapping the Future of the World's Languages, Mr.Christopher Moseley,
         Co-editor of Atlas of the World's Languages 1994
11-12    Should Linguistic Diversity be Preserved?, Dr. Mark Pagel,
         Dept of Zoology, Oxford University
12-1   Who Wants to Learn a Native Language in Latin America?
       Prof. Marcelo Dascal, Inst.of Advanced Studies,  Hebrew U of Jerusalem
1-2                             Lunch
2-3   Thinking Twice: Issues in Welsh as a Second Language in Children Under 5
      Ms. Sian Wyn Siencyn, Language Consultant, Author of The Sound of Europe
3-4   Orchestrating Language Revival,Mr. Allan Wynne Jones,
      European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages
4-6  Round Table and Discussion with contributions from the floor
                  Seminar Registration Form
I should like to register for the one day seminar at Bristol
University and enclose my cheque for the amount stated below.
NAME (Capitals):
ACCOMODATION WANTED? A limited amount of single Bed and
Breakfast accomodation can be provided near to the seminar
venue, at a cost of 22 UK pounds per night (standard room)
or 36 UK pounds (en suite room).
   B&B night of Thursday 20th April:   ___________
   B&B night of Friday 21st April:     ___________
            Total (accomodation):      ___________
               Registration Fee:       5 UK Pounds
                        Total:         ___________
Please send this form and cheque payable to 'The University
of Bristol' to:
                  Graduate Studies Centre,
                  7 Woodland Road,
                  Bristol BS8 1TB
For further information, contact the seminar organisers
Dan Brickley and Andrew Woodfield (email: centre-tll at bristol.ac.uk)
A background article on the topic is also available by email
or by accessing the CTLL World Wide Web pages using the following
Internet URL:
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 95 16:34:49 +0000
From: njm at cupido.inesc.pt
Subject: 2nd CFP: EPIA'95
                EPIA'95 - 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS
              Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal
                     October 3-6, 1995
  (Under the auspices of the Portuguese Association for AI)
The Seventh Portuguese Conference on Artificial  Intelligence
(EPIA'95) will be held at Funchal,  Madeira Island, Portugal,
on October 3-6,  1995.  As in previous issues  ('89, '91, and
'93),  EPIA'95  will  be run as an international  conference,
English being the official language.  The  scientific program
encompasses tutorials, invited lectures,  demonstrations, and
paper presentations. Five well known researchers will present
invited  lectures.  The conference is devoted to all areas of
Artificial  Intelligence  and will cover both theoretical and
foundational  issues  and  applications  as  well.   Parallel
workshops  on  Expert  Systems,   Fuzzy   Logic   and  Neural
Networks,  and  Applications  of A.I.  to Robotics and Vision
Systems will run simultaneously (see below).
                     INVITED LECTURERS
In this issue of the conference,four special invited lectures
will  promote  a debate on the very foundations of Artificial
Intelligence, its  approaches and results. It is an honour to
announce the invited lecturers and the corresponding talks:
 "Why Human Brains Can't Really Think",by Marvin Minsky (MIT-USA);
 "Planning and Learning in Intelligent Agents",by Manuela Veloso (CMU-USA);
 "The Connectionist Paradigm and AI", by Borges de Almeida (IST-Portugal);
 "The Evolutionist Approach - Past, Present, and Future of AI",by Rodney Brooks
In  this  issue  of  the  conference, four  tutorials will be
 "Artificial Life and Autonomous Robots",by Luc Steels (VUB AI Lab-Belgium);
 "Virtual Reality - The AI perspective",by David Hogg (Univ. of Leeds-UK);
 "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence",by Ernesto Costa (Univ. of
  Coimbra-Portugal);(in Portuguese)
 "Design of Expert Systems",by Ernesto Morgado (IST-Portugal);(in Portuguese)
                   SUBMISSION OF PAPERS
Authors must submit five (5) complete printed copies of their
papers to the "EPIA'95 submission address". Fax or electronic
submissions will not be accepted. Submissions must be printed
on A4 or 8 1/2"x11" paper using 12 point type. Each page must
have a maximum of 38 lines and an average  of  75  characters
per  line  (corresponding  to  the  LaTeX  article-style,  12
point).  Double-sided  printing  is  strongly encouraged. The
body of submitted papers must be at most 12 pages,  including
title, abstract, figures, tables, and diagrams, but excluding
the title page and bibliography.
                     ELECTRONIC ABSTRACT
In addition to submitting  the paper copies,  authors  should
send   to   epia95-abstracts at inesc.pt   a  short  (200 words)
electronic  abstract  of  their  paper  to  aid the reviewing
process.  The electronic abstract must be in plain ASCII text
(no LaTeX)) in the following format:
            TITLE: (title of the paper)
            FIRST AUTHOR: (last name, first name)
            EMAIL: (email of the first author)
            FIRST ADDRESS: (first author address)
            COAUTHORS: (their names, if any)
            KEYWORDS: (keywords separated by commas)
            ABSTRACT: (text of the abstract)
Authors are requested to select 1-3 appropriate keywords from
the  list  below.  Authors  are  welcome  to  add  additional
keywords descriptors as needed.  Applications, agent-oriented
programming, automated reasoning, belief revision, case-based
reasoning,  common  sense reasoning, constraint satisfaction,
distributed AI, expert systems, genetic algorithms, knowledge
representation,  logic programming, machine learning, natural
language  understanding,  nonmonotonic  reasoning,  planning,
qualitative  reasoning,  real-time systems, robotics, spatial
reasoning,  theorem proving,  theory of computation, tutoring
                      REVIEW OF PAPERS
Submissions  will  be  judged  on  significance, originality,
quality  and  clarity.   Reviewing   will  be  blind  to  the
identities  of  the  authors.   This  requires  that  authors
exercise  some  care  not  to  identify  themselves  in their
papers.  Each  copy  of  the  paper  must  have a title page,
separated  from the body of the paper, including the title of
the paper,  the names and addresses of all authors, a list of
content areas (see above) and any acknowledgments. The second
page should include the same title,  a short abstract of less
than 200 words,  and the exact same  contents areas,  but not
the names nor affiliations of  the  authors.  This  page  may
include text of the paper.  The references should include all
published   literature   relevant  to  the  paper,  including
previous  works  of  the  authors,  but  should  not  include
unpublished works of the authors. When referring to one's own
work,  use  the  third  person. For example, say "previously,
Peter [17] has shown that ...".  Try  to  avoid including any
information in the body of the paper or references that would
identify the authors or their institutions.  Such information
can  be  added  to  the  final   camera-ready   version   for
publication.  Please do not staple the title page to the body
of the paper. Submitted papers must be unpublished.
The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag (lecture
notes in A.I. series).  Authors  will be required to transfer
copyright of their paper to Springer-Verlag.
                    ASSOCIATED WORKSHOPS
In  the  framework  of the conference three workshops will be
organized:  Applications of Expert  Systems,  Fuzzy Logic and
Neural  Networks   in   Engineering,   and   Applications  of
Artificial Intelligence to Robotics and Vision Systems.  Real
world applications, running systems, and demos are welcome.
Carlos Pinto-Ferreira              Nuno Mamede
Instituto Superior Tecnico         Instituto Superior Tecnico
ISR, Av. Rovisco Pais              INESC, Apartado 13069
1000 Lisboa, Portugal              1000 Lisboa, Portugal
Voice: +351 (1) 8475105            Voice: +351 (1) 310-0234
Fax: +351 (1) 3523014              Fax: +351 (1) 525843
Email: cpf at kappa.ist.utl.pt        Email: njm at inesc.pt
                      PROGRAM COMMITTEE
Antonio Porto (Portugal)        Lauiri Carlson (Finland)
Benjamin Kuipers (USA)          Luc Steels (Belgium)
Bernhard Nebel (Germany)        Luigia Aiello (Italy)
David Makinson (Germany)        Luis Moniz Pereira (Portugal)
Erik Sandewall (Sweden)         Luis Monteiro (Portugal)
Ernesto Costa (Portugal)        Manuela Veloso (USA)
Helder Coelho (Portugal)        Maria Cravo (Portugal)
Joao Martins (Portugal)         Miguel Filgueiras (Portugal)
John Self (UK)                  Yoav Shoham (USA)
Jose Carmo (Portugal)           Yves Kodratoff (France)
    Papers Submission: ................. March 20, 1995
    Notification of acceptance: ........ May 15, 1995
    Camera Ready Copies Due: ........... June 12, 1995
INESC, Apartado 13069
1000 Lisboa, Portugal
Voice: +351 (1) 310-0325
Fax: +351 (1) 525843
Email: epia95 at inesc.pt
Banco Nacional Ultramarino       Governo Regional da Madeira
Instituto Superior Tecnico       SISCOG - Sistemas Cognitivos
INESC                            CITMA
IBM                              TAPair Portugal
                     PLANNING TO ATTEND
People  planning  to  submit  a  paper  or/and  to attend the
conference  or  attend  a  workshop are asked to complete and
return the following form (by fax or email) to the  inquiries
address standing their intention. It will help the conference
organizers   to  estimate  the   facilities  needed  for  the
conference and will enable all interested people  to  receive
updated information.
|                   REGISTRATION OF INTEREST                     |
|                                                                |
| Title .  . . . .  Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| Institution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| Address1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| Address2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| Country  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| Telephone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax . . . . . . . . . . |
| Email address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| I intend to submit a paper (yes/no). . . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| I intend to participate only (yes/no). . . . . . . . . . . . . |
| I will travel with ... guests                                  |
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-322.

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