6.1300, Confs: CLIM-96 student conference (in French and Eng)

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Fri Sep 22 21:53:01 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-1300. Fri Sep 22 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  157
Subject: 6.1300, Confs: CLIM-96 student conference (in French and Eng)
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
[Moderators' note:  we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue.  Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
housing, transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.  Thank you for
your cooperation.]
Date:  Fri, 22 Sep 1995 14:56:52 EDT
From:  dasylva at IRO.UMontreal.CA (Lyne DaSylva)
Subject:  Appel colloque etudiant CLIM-96
Date:  Fri, 22 Sep 1995 14:50:35 EDT
From:  dasylva at IRO.UMontreal.CA (Lyne DaSylva)
Subject:  Call for participation for student conference CLIM-96
Date:  Fri, 22 Sep 1995 14:56:52 EDT
From:  dasylva at IRO.UMontreal.CA (Lyne DaSylva)
Subject:  Appel colloque etudiant CLIM-96
                      APPEL A PARTICIPATION
                     CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
   Colloque Etudiant de Linguistique Informatique de Montreal
   Student Conference in Computational Linguistics In Montreal
                        08 - 11 juin 1996
                     Universite de Montreal
                Universite du Quebec a Montreal
                    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
OBJECTIFS : fournir     aux etudiants  universitaires  un   forum
international  de  rencontre et  d'echange  et  leur permettre la
communication de travaux de  recherche.  La session  se deroulera
sous la forme de  courtes presentations des etudiants des  cycles
superieurs ainsi que de presentations de conferenciers invites.
FORMAT   DES PRESENTATIONS :  Les auteurs  (et coauteurs) doivent
etre   etudiants.  Les  presentations   doivent  porter  sur  une
recherche originale traitant de tout aspect theorique ou pratique
concernant   la  linguistique  informatique.    Les  seances   se
derouleront sous la forme d'exposes  d'environ 30 minutes pouvant
etre faits en francais ou en anglais. Des actes seront publies.
SOLLICITATION : Ce premier appel a pour but  d'evaluer le  nombre
d'etudiants interesses a participer.  Ceux interesses a presenter
une communication  sont pries d'envoyer  un courrier electronique
a l'adresse suivante  avant le 5 octobre 1995, en indiquant  leur
intention et en notant clairement leur universite d'attache :
     CLIM at iro.umontreal.ca
Un appel aux communications plus detaille  sera diffuse plus tard
cet automne. A ce moment nous solliciterons des resumes d'environ
une page nous permettant de selectionner les presentations
Lyne DaSylva (Universite de Montreal)
Paula Bouffard (Universite du Quebec a Montreal)
Martin Brisebois (Universite de Montreal)
Andre Cloutier (Universite du Quebec a Montreal)
Patrick Drouin (Universite de Montreal)
George Foster (McGill University et CITI)
Christine Gerard (Concordia University)
Benoit Robichaud (Universite de Montreal et Universite Paris 7)
Une version anglaise de cet appel a participation a ete envoyee separement.
A French version of this Call for participation has been issued separately.
Date:  Fri, 22 Sep 1995 14:50:35 EDT
From:  dasylva at IRO.UMontreal.CA (Lyne DaSylva)
Subject:  Call for participation for student conference CLIM-96
                          APPEL A PARTICIPATION
	Student Conference in Computational Linguistics In Montreal
      	Colloque Etudiant de Linguistique Informatique de Montreal
                            08 - 11 June 1996
                          Universite de Montreal
                     Universite du Quebec a Montreal
                         Montreal, Quebec, Canada
 OBJECTIVES :  to provide graduate students in computational linguistics
 with an international forum where they can meet and exchange ideas, and
 present  their  research. The conference will consist  mainly  of short
 talks by students, as well as some invited talks.
 PRESENTATIONS : Authors  (and co-authors)  must be students.  The talks
 must  describe  original  work in any area  of theoretical or practical
 computational  linguistics.  The  sessions  will  consist  of 30-minute
 talks, that may be given in English or in French.  Proceedings  will be
 APPEAL : This  call  for  participation is intended to help us plan the
 conference by giving us an idea  of how many students are interested in
 participating. We would therefore kindly ask interested parties to send
 us  an e-mail  at the following address  by October 5th, stating  their
 intention to submit a paper or to attend, and clearly  indicating their
 affiliation (university name and location) :
        CLIM at iro.umontreal.ca
 A second call for papers will be issued later this Fall, containing all
 the details on the format for submissions. At that time, we will invite
 students to send us a one-page abstract for review.
 Lyne DaSylva (Universite de Montreal)
 Paula Bouffard (Universite du Quebec a Montreal)
 Martin Brisebois (Universite de Montreal)
 Andre Cloutier (Universite du Quebec a Montreal)
 Patrick Drouin (Universite de Montreal)
 George Foster (McGill University and CITI)
 Christine Gerard (Concordia University)
 Benoit Robichaud (Universite de Montreal and Universite Paris 7)
 A French version of this Call for Participation has been issued separately.
 Une version francaise de cet appel a participation a ete envoyee separement.
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-1300.

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