7.540, Confs: Fifth Conf on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 5)

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Fri Apr 12 15:47:03 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-540. Fri Apr 12 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  292
Subject: 7.540, Confs: Fifth Conf on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 5)
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue.  Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.  Thank you for your
Date:  Wed, 10 Apr 1996 09:31:44 CDT
From:  mbroe at nwu.edu (Michael Broe)
Subject:  LabPhon 5: Program, registration, accommodation
Date:  Wed, 10 Apr 1996 09:31:44 CDT
From:  mbroe at nwu.edu (Michael Broe)
Subject:  LabPhon 5: Program, registration, accommodation
                                LabPhon 5
                Fifth Conference on Laboratory Phonology
                            July 6th-8th 1996
                         Northwestern University
                           Evanston, Illinois
                 P R E L I M I N A R Y   P R O G R A M
                                 A N D
            R E G I S T R A T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N
                             Day 1: July 6th
[8:45] Welcome!
[9:00] Invited Speaker: Kevin Munhall (Queen's University, Kingston),
with E. Vatikiotis-Bateson & M. Kawato (ATR Human Information
Processing Research Laboratories, Kyoto) Coarticulation and physical
models of the vocal tract
[9:45] Yuko Kondo (Musashino University, Tokyo) Production of schwa by
Japanese speakers of English: an acoustic study of shifts in
coarticulatory strategies from L1 to L2
[10:15] Coffee
[10:45] Jonathan Harrington (Macquarie University, Sydney), Janet
Fletcher (University of Melbourne) & Mary Beckman (Ohio State
University) Manner and place conflicts in the articulation of accent
in Australian Engli= sh
[11:15] Dani Byrd (Haskins Laboratories), Shrikanth Narayanan (AT&T
Research Laboratories), Abigail Kaun (Yale University) & Elliot
Saltzman (Haskins Laboratories Phrasal influences on articulatory
[12:45] Lunch
[1:15] Commentary: John Coleman (University of Oxford)
[2:00] Elliot Saltzman, Anders Lofqvist (Haskins Laboratories) &
Subhobrath Mitra (University of Connecticut) 'Clocks' and 'glue':
global timing and intergestural cohesion
[2:30] John Hajek (University of Melbourne) & Shinji Maeda (CNRS,
Paris) Investigating universals of sound change: the effect of vowel
height and duration on the development of distinctive nasalization
[3:00] Coffee
[3:30] Andrew Lotto, Keith Kluender & Lori Holt (University of
Wisconsin) Effects of language experience on perceptual organization
of vowel sounds
[4:00] Invited Speaker: Donca Steriade (UCLA)
Morphemic invariance and the phonology-phonetics boundary
[4:45] Commentary: Bj=F6rn Lindblom (Stockholm University)
[5:30] General Discussion
                                Day 2: July 7th
[8:30] Poster setup
[9:00] Armalia Arvaniti (University of Cyprus), D. Robert Ladd & Ineke
Mennen (University of Edinburgh) What is a starred tone? Evidence from
[9:30] Carlos Gussenhoven (University of Nijmegen) The boundary tones
are coming: on the nonperipheral realization of boundary tones
[10:00] Shu-hui Peng (Ohio State University) Lexical versus
'phonological' representations of Mandarin sandhi tones
[10:30] Coffee
[11:00] Commentary: Jennifer Cole (University of Illinois)
[11:30 - 12:30] Even Posters
[12:00 -1:00]   Buffet lunch in the poster area
[1:00 - 2:00]   Odd Posters
[2:00] Invited Speaker: Janet Werker, with Christine Stager
(University of British Columbia) Developmental changes in speech
perception and early word learning: is there a link?
[2:45] James Scobbie, Fiona Gibbon & William Hardcastle (Queen
Margaret College, Edinburgh) Covert contrast as a stage in the
acquisition of phonetics and phonology
[3:15] Coffee
[3:45] Marlys Macken (University of Wisconsin)
Prosodic templates
[4:15] John Archibald (University of Calgary)
The acquisition of syllable weight and foot type
[4:45] Commentary: Jan Edwards (Ohio State University)
[5:30] General Discussion
[7:00] Banquet
                              Day 3: July 8th
[9:00] Invited Speaker: Joan Bybee (University of New Mexico)
Lexicalization of sound change and alternating environments
[9:45] Rebecca Treiman (Wayne State University), Brett Kessler
(Stanford University), Stephanie Knewasser (Wayne State University) &
Ruth Tincoff (SUNY) Adults' sensitivity to phonotactic probabilities
in English words
[10:15] Coffee
[10:45] Stefan Frisch (Northwestern University) Temporally organized
lexical representations as phonological units
[11:15] Rochelle Newman, James Sawusch & Paul Luce (SUNY) The
influence of underspecification and phoneme frequency in speech
percepti= on
[11:45] Lunch
[1:15] Mary Beckman & Jan Edwards (Ohio State University) Lexical
frequency effects on young children's imitative productions
[1:45] Mara Goodman, Peter Jusczyk & Angela Bauman (SUNY)
Developmental changes in infants' sensitivity to internal syllable
[2:15] Commentary: Gary Dell (University of Illinois)
[3:00] General Discussion
[3:30] Farewell!
Conference fees:
    Before June 12th 1996:    $60.00 (Regular)  $30.00 (Students)
    After June 12th 1996:     $120.00 (Regular) $60.00 (Students)
The July 7th banquet is included in the registration fee. Please take
advantage of the early registration rate so we can finalize counts for
the meeting and banquet! It will be very difficult to add anyone to
the banquet at the last minute. Fees should be paid by check or money
order in US dollars, and made payable to:
    Northwestern University: LabPhon 5
Fees should be sent to the following address (a form can be found at
the end of this announcement):
    LabPhon 5 Committee,
    Department of Linguistics
    Northwestern University
    2016 Sheridan Road
    Evanston, IL 60208, USA
A conference packet including final schedule, maps, and other
conference information will be sent in early June to those registered.
Conference participants must make their own reservations. A list of
recommended accommodations follows: all have air-conditioned rooms and
are within walking distance of campus. No accommodation in dormitories
is being offered, due to lack of interest.
The Orrington, a full-service hotel, is providing discounted rates for
conference participants who reserve by June 14th. Reservations must
identify affiliation with the conference.
  Omni Orrington Hotel                     Single: $99.00
  1710 Orrington Avenue                    Double:$110.00
  Evanston IL 60201, Tel: 1-800-843-6664
Less expensive options are listed below. These hotels do not have
room-service or dining facilities, but there are many good places to
eat nearby.
  The Margarita Inn       Single: $78.00-116.55 ($61.00 without bath.)
  1566 Oak Avenue         Double: $90.00-128.00 ($72.00 without bath.)
  Evanston, IL 60201, Tel: 847-869-2273, Fax: 847-869-2353
  The Homestead                            Single: $65.00
  1625 Hinman Avenue                       Double: $70.00
  Evanston, IL  60201, Tel:  847-475-3300, Fax: 847-570-8100
  Reman's Bed & Breakfast                  Single: $50.00
  1316 Judson Avenue                       Double: $66.00
  Evanston, IL 60202, Tel: 847-328-8966, Fax: 847-328-9520
The simplest way to get to Evanston is to fly into Chicago's O'Hare
Airport and take a cab (approx. 30 minutes, $25.00). The conference
will take place in the Norris Center on the Northwestern Campus.
The LabPhon committee can be contacted at
    labphon at nwu.edu
Further conference information can be found on the web at
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LINGUIST List: Vol-7-540.

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