7.550, FYI: Grants, Japanese-English MT, Black English--Correction

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sat Apr 13 17:10:51 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-550. Sat Apr 13 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  260
Subject: 7.550, FYI: Grants, Japanese-English MT, Black English--Correction
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: lveselin at emunix.emich.edu (Ljuba Veselinova)
Date:  Thu, 11 Apr 1996 21:18:04 CST
From:  Minchew at act.org
Subject:  Re: $23.0 Million in Challeng Grants for Technology in Educa
Date:  Fri, 05 Apr 1996 16:33:13 EST
From:  <poneill-brown at banyan.doc.gov> (Patricia ONeill-Brown)
Subject:  JICST Japanese-English MT Service
Date:  Sat, 13 Apr 1996 00:19:19 CDT
From:  mmj3293 at tam2000.tamu.edu (Martin Matthew Jacobsen)
Subject:  Black English--Correction
Date:  Thu, 11 Apr 1996 21:18:04 CST
From:  Minchew at act.org
Subject:  Re: $23.0 Million in Challeng Grants for Technology in Educa
    The following may be of interest to some members of this list.
    The Federal Register of 04-11-96 has details on the U. S.
    Department of Education's next round of Challenge Grants to
    "improve and expand new applications of technology to strengthen
    the school reform effort, improve student achievement, and provide
    sustained professional development of teachers, administrators,
    and school library media personnel."
    TO GET MORE INFORMATION: The Federal Register of 04-11-97 and
    according to Education *SOON* at
    and at gopher site
    and by telephone to
                1 800-USA-LEARN  (1 800-872-5327)
    and by fax request to
                202 708-6003
    HELPFUL INFORMATION about previous rounds of the Challenge Grants
    is available now on the web site above and could provide useful
    insights to prospective applicants.
    ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Only consortia may receive grants. Consortia
    may include local educational agencies (LEA), state educational
    agencies, institutions of higher education, businesses, academic
    content experts, software designers, museums, libraries, AND MUST
    INCLUDE at least one LEA with a high percentage of children living
    below the poverty line.
    ESTIMATED FUNDS AND GRANT SIZE: $23.0 million, from which it is
    anticipated that approximately 23 awards will be made, ranging
    between $500,000 and $2.0 million a year for five years.
    Note: ACT is forwarding this information with the hope that it
    might help potential applicants who might not have otherwise seen
    the Federal Register notice. It is a U. S. Department of Education
    program. It is not an ACT program. If anyone has difficulty
    accessing the information, we will be happy to send an electronic
    copy of the Federal Register notice if a request is sent to
                             minchew at act.org
    Daniel Minchew                      minchew at act.org
    ACT * American College Testing      202 223-2318 - Telephone
    One Dupont Circle, NW, # 340
    Washington, DC 20036-1170           202 293-2223 - Fax
Date:  Fri, 05 Apr 1996 16:33:13 EST
From:  <poneill-brown at banyan.doc.gov> (Patricia ONeill-Brown)
Subject:  JICST Japanese-English MT Service
                      ON THE INTERNET
A machine translation system, developed especially for translating
scientific and technical Japanese information into English is now
available via Internet. For users accessing the system from outside
Japan, translations can be obtained on a trial basis "free of charge"
until April 29, 1996.  A Macintosh or IBM-compatible PC with a
bilingual OS (such as Windows 3.1J) is required.
The Japanese-English Machine Translation Network System has been
developed by the Japan Information Center of Science and Technology
(JICST), a public corporation established by the Japanese government
in 1957 as Japan's key center for scientific and technical information
services.  JICST's machine translation system, an improved version of
a system originally developed in the 1980s through a joint project
between Kyoto University and the Science and Technology Agency, was
initially designed for internal use to produce English-language S&T
databases from Japanese-language databases.  In January 1996, JICST
decided to make the translation system available via Internet.
1. Steps to Follow for Translation:
    -  Enter JICST's "Translation Network Service" through
JICST's World Wide Web Homepage (http://www-
jmt.jicst.go.jp/index-E.html ).
    -  Send the original Japanese document to JICST in text
format utilizing a mail software such as Eudora.  The Translation
Network System processes the translation and sends the English
output back to the customer's e-mail address.
    -  Open mailbox and download the English text.
2.  Translation Fees:
One yen per character of the English translation output (plus 3%
Japanese consumption tax.)
    This  is  a  pen --> 4 + 2 + 1 + 3 = 10 characters => 10 Yen
3.  Initial Registration Requirements:
To use the translation service for the first time (including trial
use), submit a written application, via FAX, to JICST.  To obtain an
application form and instructions, those who live outside Japan should
    JICST Overseas Service Division
    FAX:  +81-3-5214-8413
Individuals residing in Japan should contact the closest JICST branch
office (see contact addresses at the end of this report).
4.  Limitations:
    - The original document must be less than 20,000 Japanese
characters in total length for each translation task.  In other words,
longer documents must be divided into segments of less than 20,000
characters each.
    -  Only JIS Kanji code can be used.
    - Since translations are performed only by machine with no
pre-editing, post-editing or re-writing by human operators, users of
the system must be prepared to carry out these functions themselves.
JICST has also developed their machine translation system for use
on a Macintosh or PC.   They announced on March 1, 1996 that a
CD-ROM package of their machine translation program, combined
with a dictionary of about 400,000 S&T terms, will be put on sale
this summer for about $500. Although several commercial PC-based
Japanese-English translation systems are available, most are
designed for general office or daily use and have relatively
small dictionaries.  In terms of translation speed and quality,
JICST's system is said to be about the same as many commercial
systems.  Thus, the JICST system may offer advantages for the
translation of scientific and technical information.
-   Hardware requirements:
        a)    Macintosh or Power Macintosh,
              (running on bilingual System 7
              or System 7.5 environment)
        b)    IBM-Compatible PCs with
              Windows 3.1J or Windows 95 OS
    Hard Disk:  300 megabytes or more
    Memory:     16 MB or more
    CD-ROM:     A CD-ROM drive connected to the computer.
Note that a bilingual (English-Japanese) language handling environment
is a must.
-  Dictionary:
The system will include a dictionary of 400,000 scientific and
technical terms.
JICST is also planning an auxiliary dictionary of about 200,000
medical terms (price yet to be decided).
    In addition, users can develop their own "user dictionary"
    (a feature not available for the Translation Network System
    on the Internet).
For further details, see JICST's Home Page at:
Or, FAX the JICST Overseas Service Division at +81-3-5214-8413.
Posting by: Patti O'Neill-Brown, Japan Technology Analyst,
U.S. Department of Commerce
Date:  Sat, 13 Apr 1996 00:19:19 CDT
From:  mmj3293 at tam2000.tamu.edu (Martin Matthew Jacobsen)
Subject:  Black English--Correction
I asked a question about the word 'individual', and mistakenly stated
that it functioned as different parts of speech when I meant to say it
represents different cases within the same sentence.  My apologies to
anyone who mistook my meaning.
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-550.

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