7.43, Sum: Word Stress Summary

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Thu Jan 11 05:37:27 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-43. Wed Jan 10 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  181
Subject: 7.43, Sum: Word Stress Summary
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: avaldez at emunix.emich.edu (Annemarie Valdez)
Date:  Thu, 11 Jan 1996 12:06:08 +1000
Subject:  Word Stress Summary
Date:  Thu, 11 Jan 1996 12:06:08 +1000
Subject:  Word Stress Summary
My thanks to the following for responding to my query for
examples of UK/USA word stress variation:
Martin Eayrs eltnews at wamani.apc.org
Lee Bradley lbradley at grits.valdosta.peachnet.edu
Michael Shapiro MShap61107 at AOL.COM
Scott C. Simonsen ssimonse at edcen.ehhs.cmich.edu
Paulette Dale KJJZ76A at prodigy.com
Abbie Tom atom at email.unc.edu
Elizabeth Guthrie eguthrie at benfranklin.hnet.uci.edu
Matthew Davenport Weymar mdw21 at columbia.edu
Raquel Strauss rs218 at columbia.edu
Jeff Schwartz schwartz at cais.cais.com
J. Gamber jbgamber at ucdavis.edu
Carol Bellamy cbellamy at ipr.umd.edu
Paula S. Newman pnewman at parc.xerox.com
Nancy Frishberg nancyf at seiden.com
Hartmut Haberland hartmut at ruc.dk
Anton Sherwood dasher at netcom.com
Larry Trask larryt at cogs.susx.ac.uk
Joseph F Foster fosterjf at ucunix.san.uc.edu
Karen Steffen Chung karchung at ccms.ntu.edu.tw
John Lawler jlawler at umich.edu
Markell R West markell at afterlife.ncsc.mil
Alexei Iurtchak alexei at acpub.duke.edu
Kathleen M. O'Neill koneil1 at uic.edu u55354 at uicvm.cc.uic.edu
Jussi Karlgren karlgren at cs.nyu.edu
Martha G. Morgan morgan at mail.utexas.edu
Marie-Louise Hannan hannan at citi.doc.ca
James Kirchner JPKIRCHNER at aol.com
Peter Daniels pdaniels at press-gopher.uchicago.edu
David Quayle spok at UDel.Edu
Susan M. Ervin-Tripp ervintr1 at violet.berkeley.edu
Lee Hartman lhartman at siu.edu
Georges Rebuschi rebuschi at ext.jussieu.fr
Michael T Hammond hammond at u.Arizona.EDU
Douglas McCarthy mccarthy at micronet.fr
Lucy Eliot morse at grove.ufl.EDU
Patrick Griffiths griffith at kula.usp.ac.fj
Roly Sussex sussex at lingua.cltr.uq.OZ.AU
Words with stress differences in UK/USA Standard English
(My apologies for being otherwise in the way I indicated
stress in my orginal posting. I have altered this to be
consistent with dictionary entries: 'following primary stress;
, following secondary stress; ? means I am uncertain.)
UK                       USA
?compe'nsatory           ?compensa'to,ry
?in'ventory              ?inve'nto,ry
adu'lt                   a'dult
a'llegory                allego'ry
a'rbitrary               arbitra'ry
a'ristocrat              ari'stocrat
addre'ss (noun)          a'ddress (noun)
addre'ss (verb)          addre'ss (verb)
adve'rtisement           adverti'sement
alumi'nium               alu'minum
anci'llary               a'ncillary
atta'che                 attache'
au'ditory                au'dito,ry
ba'llet                  balle't
ba'rrage                 barra'ge
ba'ton                   bato'n
baboo'n                  ba,boo'n
be'ret                   bere't
ca'fe                    cafe'
capi'llary               ca'pilla,ry
ca'rbonyl                carbony'l
Cari'bbean               Caribbe'an (also Cari'bbean)
ce'metary                ce'meta,ry
chimpan/z/ee's           chi'mpan/s/ees
cigare'tte               ci'garette
co'mmentary              co'mmenta,ry
co'mplex (adj)           comple'x
co'mposite               compo'site
co'ntribute              contri'bute
contro'versy             co'ntroversy
coro'llary               co'rolla,ry
cro'chet                 croche't
cro'quet                 croque't
cu'stomary               cu'stoma,ry
de'bri                   debri'
de'tail                  detai'l
defa'matory              defamato'ry
defe'nce                 defe'nse (law, military)
defe'nce                 de'fense (sports commentators in
                         order to distinguish it from
di'ctionary              di'ctiona,ry
dicta'te                 di'ctate
do'rmitory               do'rmito,ry
dona'te                  do'nate
e'longate                elo'ngate
e'xpert (adj)            expe'rt (adj)
exple'tive               e'xpletive
extrao'rdinary           ex'trao,rdinary
Fe'bruary                Fe'bua,ry
ferti'le                 fer'tile
fro'ntier                fronti'er
frustra'te               fru'strate
ga'rage                  gara'ge
here'ditary              here'dita,ry
homo'genous              ho,moge'neous
i'nnovative              i,nnova'tive
ibu'profen               i,bupro'fen
inqui'ry                 i'nquiry
Ju'liette                Julie'tte
labo'ratory              la'borato,ry
la'mentable              lame'ntable
li'terary                li'tera,ry
lieute'nant              lieu'tenant
loudspea'ker             lou'dspeaker
magazi'ne                ma'gazine
ma'trimony               ma'trimo,ny
macra'me                 ma'crame
margari'ne               ma'garine
mi'litary                mi'lita,ry
missi'le                 mi'ssile
mo'nastery               mo'naste,ry
o'rdinarily              o'rdina,rily
or ha'rassment           hara'ssment
pa'stel                  paste'l
papier ma'che            papier mache'
poli'ce                  po'lice (SE or working class?)
prete'nce                pre'tense
rea'ctionary             rea,ctiona'ry
resea'rch                re'search
resou'rce                re'source
roma'nce                 ro'mance
se'cretary               se'creta,ry
te'mporarily             te'mpora,rily
te'rritory               te'rrito,ry
te'stimony               te'stimo,ny
televi'sion              te'levision
transla'te               tra'nslate
ura'nus                  u'ranus
uri'nal                  u'rinal
L.Holliday at latrobe.edu.au
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-43.

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