7.796, Books: History of Linguistics

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Fri May 31 21:21:16 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-796. Fri May 31 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  149
Subject: 7.796, Books: History of Linguistics
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: lveselin at emunix.emich.edu (Ljuba Veselinova)
Additional information on the following books, as well as a short backlist
of the publisher's titles, may be available from the Listserv.  Instructions
for retrieving publishers' backlists appear at the end of this issue.
------------------------------New Books-------------------------------------
Professing Linguistic Historiography.
Konrad KOERNER (University of Ottawa)
The volume brings together recent papers by the author, selected to
form a broad picture of his teachings, all of them revised and
updated, either addressing particular topics in the Histor(iograph)y
of Linguistics (Part I) or offering historical accounts of linguistic
subfields (Part II), in 10 chapters: 1, Persistent Issues in
Linguistic Historiography; 2, Metalanguage in Linguistic
Historiography; 3, The Natural Science Impact on Theory Formation in
19th and 20th Century Linguistics; 4, Saussure and the Question of the
Sources of his Linguistic Theory; 5, Chomsky's Readings of the Cours
de linguistique generale; 6, Toward a History of Modern
Sociolinguistics; 7, Toward a History of Americanist Linguistics; 8,
Toward a History of Linguistic Typology; 9, History and Historiography
of Phonetics: A state-of-the-art account, and 10, The 'Sapir-Whorf
Hypothesis': An historico-bibliographical essay. Index of authors;
index of subjects & terms.
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, No. 79    viii, 274 pp.
US & Canada:Hb: 1-55619-615-6        US$68.00
Rest of World: 90 272 4566 5        Hfl.120,00
Writings in General Linguistics.
'On Sound Alternation' (1881) and 'On Sound Alternation' (1881) and 'Outline
 of Linguistic Science' (1883).
Mikolaj KRUSZEWSKI (1851-87), edited with an Introduction by Konrad
Koerner This volume brings together the most important general
linguistic writings by Mikolay Kruszewski (1851-1887), whom Roman
Jakobson described as "one of the greatest theoreticians of language
among the world linguists of the late nineteenth century". Apart from
reissuing a revised version of the late Robert Austerlitz' translation
of the theoretical introduction of Kruszewski's Master's thesis on
morphophonemic alternation in Old Slavic, first published in German in
1881, the bulk of the present volume consists of the first translation
ever, by Gregory M. Eramian, of Kruszewski's doctoral thesis, "Outline
of Linguistic Science," supervised by J. Baudouin de Courtenay and
submitted in Russian at the University of Kazan in 1883. Until now
this thesis has been available only in a German translation, published
in Techmer's "Zeitschrift" (Leipzig, 1884-1890; reprinted Amsterdam,
1973). Together with a detailed introduction, a full list of
Kruszewski's writings, a bibliography of secondary sources, including
a reconstruction of the major works consulted by Kruszewski, and
detailed indexes of biographical names, subjects & terms, and
languages cited for examples, the present volume provides Western
scholars with a solid textual and contextual basis for a proper
reassessment of the ideas of arguably the most outstanding
19th-century linguistic thinker.
Amsterdam Classics in Linguistics 1800-1925, No. 11        xl, 188 pp.
US & Canada:Hb: 1-55619-315-7        US$77.00
Rest of World: 90 272 0977 4        Hfl.135,00
History of Linguistics 1993
Papers from the Sixth International Conference on the History of the
 Language Sciences (ICHoLS VI) (Washington DC, 9-14 August 1993)
KURT R. JANKOWSKY (Georgetown University)
The 32 Papers in this volume, selected from 78 papers read at ICHoLS
VI, were contributed by linguistics from 16 countries of Europe, Asia,
and the Americas. They are presented in six sections: 1. General
Concerns 2. Oriental Linguistics and Related Issues 3. From the Early
Middle Ages to the End of the 17th Century 4. On 19th-century European
Linguistics 5. On the Verge of Modernity: From the 19th to the 20th
Century 6. Contemporary issues Individual topics range from dealing
with overriding concerns of linguistic historiography to focusing on
specific fields of inquiry within a limited frame and involving a
large variety of topical areas.  Most of the papers are written in
English. The exceptions are one French and two German contributions.
Contributors: E. F. K. Koerner; J. E. Joseph; D. Marcondes de Souza
 W. K. Percival; S. A. Romaschko; Y. Gruntfest; A. Sunshine; K. Ryding; S.
 I. Sara, S. J.; E. Hovdhaugen; A. Luhtala; R. H. Robins; M.
 Breva-Claramonte; M. J. van der Wal; J. Maat; D. A. Kibbee; J. I.
 Subbiondo; V. V. Belyi; T. C. Christy; B. Hauger; L. Wigdorsky; F. Vonk; J.
 Noordegraaf; B. Bartschat; E. C. Polom=E9; M. Mackert; B. Nerlich; J. S.
 Falk; R. Bugarski; F. J. Newmeyer; B. E. Nevin; and S.-do Kim.
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 78          xx, 380 pp.
US & Canada:Hb: 155619 614 8         US$100.00
Rest of World:Hb: 90 272 4565 7          Hfl.175,00
Paul Peranteau (paul at benjamins.com)
John Benjamins searchable ONLINE catalogue:
*via WWW -- gopher://Benjamins.titlenet.com:6400
*via gopher -- gopher Benjamins.titlenet.com 6400
-----------------------How to get a publisher's backlist-----------------------
Simply send a message to:
      Listserv at tamvm1.tamu.edu    (Internet)
      Listserv at tamvm1             (Bitnet)
The message should consist of the single line:
get publishername lst linguist
For example, to get more information on a book published by Mouton
de Gruyter, send the message:
       get mouton lst linguist
At the moment, the following lists are available:
      benjamin lst    (John Benjamins)
      Blackwel lst    (Blackwell Publishers) 	
      erlbaum lst     (Lawrence Erlbaum)
      kluwer lst      (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
      mouton lst      (Mouton de Gruyter)
      sil lst         (Summer Institute of Linguistics)
      ucp lst         (University of Chicago Press)
      glsa lst        (U. of Massachusetts Graduate Linguistics Association)
      osuwpl lst      (Ohio State Working Papers in Linguistics)
      cornell lst     (Cornell University Linguistics Dept.)
      USC lst         (U. of S. California Dissertation List)
      CSLI lst        (CSLI List)
      holland lst     (Holland Academic Graphics)
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-796.

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