8.743, Calls: Terminology, AI-97

linguist at linguistlist.org linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat May 17 04:59:55 UTC 1997

LINGUIST List:  Vol-8-743. Sat May 17 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 8.743, Calls: Terminology, AI-97

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>

Review Editor:     Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
                   Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editor:  Sue Robinson <sue at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

Editor for this issue: Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>

Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference
unless you explain them in your text.  Many people outside your
area of specialization will not recognize them.   Thank you for
your cooperation.


Date:  Thu, 15 May 1997 12:36:13 +0200
From:  "UZEI" <euskalterm at sarenet.es>
Subject:  International Congress on Terminology - November 1997

Date:  Thu, 15 May 1997 11:32:23 +0200 (MET DST)
From:  Paul Mc Kevitt <pmck at kom.auc.dk>
Subject:  AI-97 (Ireland) (Call For Papers)

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 15 May 1997 12:36:13 +0200
From:  "UZEI" <euskalterm at sarenet.es>
Subject:  International Congress on Terminology - November 1997

International Congress on Terminology

12 - 13 - 14 November, 1997

Donostia-San Sebastian, Basque Country (Miramar Palace)


UZEI Basque Centre for Terminology and Lexicography
HAEE-IVAP Translation Official Service


Euskaltzaindia - Academy of the Basque Language
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea - Universidad del Pa=EDs Vasco (EHU-UPV)
Universidad de Deusto - Deustuko Unibertsitatea (UD)
Universidad P=FAblica de Navarra - Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
Universidad de Navarra (NU)
Facult=E9 Pluridisciplinaire de Bayonne
The European Association for Terminology (EAFT)
International Network for Terminology - TermNet

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------


Experts on terminology and institutional representatives will discuss
these aspects of terminology:

Terminological research:
- Tendencies of current terminology
- Terminology and standardization
- Terminology and lexicography

Terminological work
- Terminology and neology
- Terminological data banks
- Computer applications and software

Applied terminology
- Writing technical texts: terminology and phraseology
- Terminology and translation

Languages of the congress

The working languages will be Basque, Spanish, French and English


During the three days of the congress the newest computer applications
for terminology will be on show


30 - 05 - 1997: Last day to receive the papers' abstracts
30 - 06 - 1997: Last day to answer to the autors
31 - 07 - 1997: Last day to register with the reduced fee
10 - 09 - 1997: Last day to receive the accepted papers
31 - 10 - 1997: Last day of registration

Technical Committee:

Koldo ASIRON (NUP-UPNA, Iru=F1ea)
Miren AZKARATE (EHU-UPV, Basque Country)
Gerhard BUDIN (Infoterm, Viena)
M=AA Teresa CABR=C9 (IULA, Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
Norbert KALFON (CL Servicios Ling=FC=EDsticos, Madrid)
Miel LOINAZ (UZEI, Donostia)
Isidor MAR=CD (Termcat, Barcelona)
Mertxe OLAIZOLA (HAEE-IVAP, Gasteiz)
Heribert PICHT (IITF, Viena)
Ibon SARASOLA (Euskaltzaindia, Bilbo)
Klaus-Dirk SCHMITZ (TermNet, Viena)
Miriam URKIA (UZEI, Donostia)
Andr=E9s URRUTIA (DU/UD, Bilbo)
Xarles VIDEGAIN (Facult=E9 Pluridisciplinaire de Bayonne)

A final programme will soon be available. For further information about
papers, registration etc, write/mail to:

Aldapeta 20
E-20009 Donostia-San Sebasti=E1n
Tel: +34 (9) 43 47 33 77
Fax: +34 (9) 43 45 79 44
E-mail: euskalterm at sarenet.es; uzei at sarenet.es=20

Adriano VI 20, 2
E-01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tel: +34 (9) 45 18 76 64
Fax: +34 (9) 45 18 76 03
E-mail: M-Olaizola at ivap.es

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 15 May 1997 11:32:23 +0200 (MET DST)
From:  Paul Mc Kevitt <pmck at kom.auc.dk>
Subject:  AI-97 (Ireland) (Call For Papers)

AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97


        Ninth Ireland Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-97)

                            in tandem with:

   Irish Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (IMVIP-97)

                               AI IN "CRISIS" ?

Has the  field  been in `crisis'?  ---   some argue we've  been in the
wilderness  with no   breakthroughs  for decades  except  minor shifts
towards connectionism and   neural  networks, artificial  life,   data
collection/corpora,  and hybrid systems.  Others  say the move towards
integration    (e.g.     Intelligent        MultiMedia     integrating
language/vision), PersonKommunikation,   mobile  and remote computing,
more and more engineering and a focus on the significance or otherwise
of the self,  mind and consciousness is  emphasizing the successes  of

Ireland hosts AI conferences  usually annually since 1988.  This ninth
AI-97   conference  will  continue    the   tradition of   emphasising
presentations  of Irish  and International  original   research in all
areas of   Artificial Intelligence  and  Cognitive  Science  including
Computer Science,  Psychology,   Linguistics, Philosophy, Neuroscience
and  related disciplines on the obvious  problems  of speech, NLP, and
vision processing,    robotics,  learning,    reasoning,     knowledge
representation and   mobile/remote computing.   Papers  which  address
whether  or  not    the  field   has  been    in   `crisis' and    its
failures/successes are particularly welcome!

Ever  since  George Boolean Logic (Cork),   James  Joyce's advances on
streams-of-consciousness  (see   Dennett's   Joycean  machine), Claude
Shannon found Information Theory and  John McCarthy made LISP and gave
the field its name (Dartmouth, US,  1956) we have been into Artificial

           Ninth Ireland Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-97)

                       Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland

                 THURSDAY 11th - SATURDAY 13th SEPTEMBER 1997

                           IN TANDEM WITH IMVIP-97:
          "Irish Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing"
               (WEDNESDAY 10TH  - SATURDAY 13th SEPTEMBER 1997)

                               FOLLOWING AI-97:
                  Computational Models of Creative Cognition"
                    MONDAY 15TH - WEDNESDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER 1997
                            (Dublin City University)

                       AI-97/IMVIP-97 PLENARY LIVE FEED

It is intended  that the main plenary  sessions at AI/IMVIP  go out on
streaming  video and audio, stored   and live with  the possibility of
phone-in questions (Ted Leath, Magee College)


                            *** John McCarthy ***

                       Department of Computer Science
                    Stanford University, Stanford, CA, US

JOHN   MCCARTHY   entitled this  field  "Artificial   Intelligence" at
Dartmouth, US in 1956.  He works on  the formalization of common sense
knowledge and reasoning in  mathematical logic.  His contributions  to
this field include  the situation calculus, the circumscription method
of nonmonotonic reasoning and  formalization of contexts.  Much of the
work is described in his  "Formalizing Common Sense",  Ablex 1990.  He
is Professor of Computer Science at Stanford  University.  He has also
worked in other areas  of  computer science and  computer engineering,
e.g. Lisp, time-sharing and program verification.

                          *** Walther Von Hahn ***

                       Department of Computer Science
                     University of Hamburg, GERMANY, EU

WALTHER VON HAHN is the Father of Natural Language Processing
in Germany and has supervised a number of important figures in the field.

Dr. phil. (German linguistics) Univ. of Marburg 1969
1988 -  Professor of Computer Science University of Hamburg.
1976 - 87 Professor of Linguistics Univ. of HH,
Research fields: Natural Language, Discourse, Machine Translation,
Artificial Intelligence.

                            *** Naoyuki Okada ***

                       Department of Computer Science
               Kyushu Institute of Technology, Iizuka, JAPAN

NAOYUKI  OKADA is a   Professor  of Artificial Intelligence at  Kyushu
Institute of  Technology, Iizuka, Japan.   His research interest is in
the  development of  agents   with integrated intelligence:   language
association   with  mind, symbol  grounding in   perception or motion,
fusion   of  intellect  and   emotion,  and  integrated  processing of
MultiMedia.  He has actively published  unique papers in these  areas.
He was  leader of   the  working group  of  systematizing  science  of
knowledge subordinate to Science Council of Japan. Okada is trustee of
Japanese Society for Artificial  Intelligence, member of the editorial
board    of Artificial Intelligence Review   Journal  and president of
PACLING (Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics).


                            *** James Crowley ***

             Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)
                             Grenoble, France, EU

JAMES L. CROWLEY holds the post of  Professor at the Institut National
Polytechnique de Grenoble   (INPG),  France.  He teaches   courses  in
Artificial  Intelligence,  Machine   Vision,    Robotics  and   Signal
Processing   at  l'Ecole National   Superieure  d'Informatique   et de
Mathematiques Appliques (ENSIMAG).   He is coordinator of the European
Computer Vision Network (ECVnet), an EC "Network of Excellence" as well
as the DG-XII Human  Capital and Mobility  network SMART whose subject
is the development of techniques for  a mobile autonomous surveillance
robot.   Professor Crowley  served   as the  technical coordinator  of
project  ESPRIT  basic research project   EP 7108, "Vision as Process"
from   1989 to 1995. The   VAP Project developed  active vision heads,
model architectures   for real   time continuously operating  computer
vision systems, and a theory of control of  perception. In the area of
mobile  robotics,  Professor Crowley has   developed systems for world
modeling and  navigation using  computer  vision and  ultrasonic range
sensors. Versions of  these systems are  used commercially  by Denning
Mobile   Robotics,   and Helpmate    Robotics.  Professor Crowley  has
published two books, two special    issues of journals, and over   100
articles on vision and mobile robotics.

                              *** Anil Jain ***

                       Department of Computer Science
                        Michigan State University, US

ANIL JAIN is  a  University Distinguished  Professor and  Chair of the
Department of Computer Science at Michigan  State University, US.  His
research interests  include   statistical pattern recognition,  Markov
random fields,  texture   analysis,   neural  networks,    fingerprint
matching, document image  analysis and 3D  object recognition.  He was
the Editor-in-Chief  of the IEEE Transactions  on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence (1991-94)  and currently  serves as an  Associate
Editor of  Pattern Recognition,    Pattern Recognition  Letters,  IEEE
Trans. Neural Networks, Applied  Intelligence and J.   of Mathematical
Imaging and Vision.  He is the co-author  of Algorithms for Clustering
Data,  Prentice-Hall,  1988,  has edited   the  book Real-Time  Object
Measurement and Classification,  Springer-Verlag, 1988, and  co-edited
the  books,   Analysis  and    Interpretation    of  Range     Images,
Springer-Verlag, 1989, Markov  Random  Fields, Academic  Press,  1992,
Artificial Neural Networks  and Pattern  Recognition, Elsevier,  1993,
and 3D Object Recognition, Elsevier, 1993.  He was elected a Fellow of
the IEEE in 1991 and received a Fulbright research fellowship in 1997.

                       *** Jean-Christophe Olivo ***

                         Cell Biophysics Programme
                   European Molecular Biology Laboratory
                          Heidelberg, Germany, EU

JEAN-CHRISTOPHE OLIVO is currently  a staff research scientist  in the
Cell Biophysics Programme at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory
in Heidelberg, Germany  where he  is in   charge of developing   image
processing methods for biological  image  analysis.  He holds a  M.Sc.
degree in Optical Science and Signal Processing, and a Ph.D. degree in
Optical Science, both    from  the Institut d'Optique   Theorique   et
Appliquee, University of Paris-Orsay, France.  He  is a member of SPIE
and IEEE.  His research interests are in image processing and computer
vision   with    special   emphasis     in    automatic  segmentation,
multiresolution processing and movement.

                                AI-97 CHAIRS

                                Fionn Murtagh
               University of Ulster, Magee College, Northern Ireland
                                Paul Mc Kevitt
                        Aalborg University, Denmark &
                      University of Sheffield, England

                          Faculty of Informatics
                    University of Ulster, Magee College
                    Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland

                                  HOSTED BY                      2
              Artificial Intelligence Association of Ireland (AI)
                            Faculty of Informatics
                     University of Ulster, Magee College

                              IN COOPERATION WITH
             The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence
                      and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB)
                        British Computer Society (BCS)
                 The Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE)
                               British Council
                          Interactive Systems Centre
                    N/Irl Industrial Development Board (IDB)
                             N/Irl Tourist Board
                    International Fund for Ireland (IFI)
              The Cognitive Science Society of Ireland (CSSI)
                           Irish Computer Society
                      Higher Education Authority (HEA)
                 Irish Research Scientists Association (IRSA)
                             Royal Irish Academy
                  Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS)
                         Irish Linguistics Institute (ILI)
                 National Centre for Language Technology (NCLT)
                          Localisation Resources Centre
                 National Microelectronics Research Centre (NMRC)
                   Industrial Development Authority (IDA)
                             Irish Trade Board
                            Shannon Development
                            Bord Failte Eireann
                              Telecom Eireann
                               ESAT Digiphone
                             The Irish Emigrant
                             The IE Professional
                        European Language Observatory
                             IntelliMedia 2000+

W. Brian Arthur        (Sante Fe Institute, US)
Afzal Ballim           (LITH, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Bill Barry             (University of Sarbruecken, Germany)
David Bell             (University of Ulster, Jordanstown)
Lynne Bowker           (Dublin City University)
Mike Brady             (INRIA, Sofia-Antipolis, France &
                        Oxford University, England)
Derek Bridge           (University College Cork)
John Campbell          (University College London)
Jon Campbell           (University of Ulster, Magee College)
Arthur Cater           (University College Dublin)
William J. Clancey     (IRL, Menlo Park, US)
Norman Creaney         (University of Ulster, Coleraine)
Roddy Cowie            (Queen's University Belfast)
James Crowley          (INPG, Grenoble, France)
Jon Doyle              (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US)
Tim Finin              (University of Maryland)
James Flanagan         (Rutgers University, US)
Peter Fleming          (University of Sheffield, England)
Terry Fogarty          (Napier University, Scotland)
Eugene Gath            (University of Limerick)
Niall Graham           (University of Alabama at Huntsville)
Niall Griffith         (University of Limerick)
Jerry Harper           (St. Patrick's College, Maynooth)
Pat Hayes              (University of West Florida, US)
Phil Hayes             (Carnegie Group Inc. &
                        Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), US)
Mary Hegarty           (University of California, Santa Barbara, US)
Matthew Hennessy       (University of Sussex, England)
Victor Johnson         (New Mexico State University, US)
John Kinsella          (University of Limerick)
John Hughes            (University of Ulster, Jordanstown)
Eoghan Mac Aogain      (Irish Linguistics Institute)
Ronan MacLaverty       (Nokia Research Centre, Finland)
Mike Manthey           (Aalborg University, Denmark)
James Martin           (University of Colorado, US)
John McCarthy          (Stanford University, US)
John McDermid          (University of York, England)
John McDermott         (Ellora Software Inc., US)
Jim McDonald           (New Mexico State University, US)
Tony McEnery           (Lancaster University, England)
Henry McLaughlin       (University College Dublin)
Barry McMullin         (Dublin City University & Sante Fe Institute, US)
Mike McTear            (University of Ulster, Jordanstown)
Melanie Mitchell       (Sante Fe Institute, US)
Tom Mitchell           (Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), US)
Alex Monaghan          (Dublin City University)
Noel Murphy            (Dublin City University)
MURPHY                 (University of Sheffield, England)
Paddy Nixon            (Trinity College Dublin)
Diarmuid O Donoghue    (St. Patrick's College, Maynooth)
Se/an /O Nuall/ain     (Dublin City University)
Sean O Scanlan         (University College Dublin)
Douglas O Shaughnessy  (INRS-Telecom, University of Quebec, Canada)
Tim O Shea             (The Open University)
J. Ross Quinlan        (University of Sydney, Australia)
Ronan Reilly           (University College Dublin)
Michael Ryan           (Dublin City University)
Ronan Scaife           (Dublin City University)
Murray Shanahan        (Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, England)
Noel Sheehy            (Queen's University Belfast)
NNoel Sharkey          (University of Sheffield, England)
SINEAD                 (University of Sheffield, England)
Jack Smith             (Queen's University Belfast)
Barry Smyth            (University College Dublin)
Humphrey Sorensen      (University College Cork)
Alistair Sutherland    (Dublin City University)
Richard Sutcliffe      (University of Limerick)
Josef Van Genabith     (Dublin City University)
Tony Veale             (Dublin City University)
David Vernon           (St. Patrick's College, Maynooth)
Andy Way               (Dublin City University)
Gerry Wrixon           (NMRC & University College Cork)

Our intention  is to have as  much interaction  as possible during the
conference and   to stress panel  sessions and  discussion  as much as
formal paper presentations.  A plenary session will integrate attempts
at addressing views on whether or not there is a `crisis' in the field.

We hope to have an attendance between 100-150 people at the conference.

Papers of not more than 8  A4 pages should  be submitted by electronic
mail (ASCII plain text  + preferably uuencoded  compressed postscript)
to Paul Mc Kevitt at pmck at cpk.auc.dk.  If you cannot submit your paper
by E-mail please submit three copies to Paul Mc Kevitt by snail mail.

**** Submission Deadline:  July   1,  1997
**** Notification Date:    August 1,  1997
**** Camera ready Copy:    August 14, 1997

Conference notes/preprints will be  published.   If there is  sufficient
interest  we will  publish a book   on the conference.

Fionn Murtagh
Faculty of Informatics
University of Ulster, Magee College
Derry/Londonderry BT48 7JL

Email: fd.murtagh at ulst.ac.uk
FaX:   (+44) 1504 375489  (from Republic of Ireland: 080 1504 etc.)
Phone: (+44) 1504 375453
WWW: http://www.infm.ulst.ac.uk/~fionn

Paul Mc Kevitt
Center for PersonKommunikation (CPK)
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7-A2
Institute of Electronic Systems (IES)
Aalborg University
DK- 9220, Aalborg

E-mail: pmck at cpk.auc.dk
FaX:   (+45) 98 15 15 83
Phone: (+45) 96 35 86 56
WWW: http://www.cpk.auc.dk/CPK/MMUI


AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97 AI-97

LINGUIST List: Vol-8-743

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