12.1206, Jobs: Sociolinguistics Postdoc at U of Ottawa, Canada

The LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed May 2 13:27:50 UTC 2001

LINGUIST List:  Vol-12-1206. Wed May 2 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 12.1206, Jobs: Sociolinguistics Postdoc at U of Ottawa, Canada

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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	Marie Klopfenstein, WSU		Ljuba Veselinova, Stockholm U.
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Date:  1 May 2001 11:44:19 -0000
From:  Shana Poplack <spoplack at aix1.uottawa.ca>
Subject:  Sociolinguistics, Variation in English and French, Bilingualism and Language Contact: Postdoc at University of Ottawa, Ontario Canada

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  1 May 2001 11:44:19 -0000
From:  Shana Poplack <spoplack at aix1.uottawa.ca>
Subject:  Sociolinguistics, Variation in English and French, Bilingualism and Language Contact: Postdoc at University of Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Rank of Job: Postdoc
Areas Required: Sociolinguistics, Variation in English and French,
Bilingualism and Language Contact
Other Desired Areas:
University or Organization: University of Ottawa
Department: Sociolinguistics Lab, Department of Linguistics
State or Province: Ontario
Country: Canada
Final Date of Application: Until the position is filled
Contact: Shana Poplack spoplack at aix1.uottawa.ca

Address for Applications:
401-70 Laurier Ave. E.
ON K1N 6N5


A postdoctoral position is available to participate in ongoing
projects on synchronic and diachronic variation in English and French,
as well as on bilingualism and language contact in a variety of
language pairs. The successful candidate will collaborate with a
dynamic team of researchers at the University of Ottawa
Sociolinguistics Laboratory. For further information, see


The position is initially funded for one year but is renewable. Annual
salary is ca. CAD 35,000

Application consists of a CV, sample reprints and/or pre-prints, a
statement of research and training interests, and letters of reference
from at least three referees. Consideration of applications will begin
as soon as they are complete, and continue until the position is
filled.  Starting date negotiable, but Fall 2001 preferred.

Send materials and address informal inquiries to:

Shana Poplack, Director
Sociolinguistics Lab
Department of Linguistics
University of Ottawa
401-70 Laurier East
Ottawa, Canada K1N 6N5

spoplack at aix1.uottawa.ca

The University of Ottawa is an equal opportunity employer. We
encourage applications from women and from minorities.

LINGUIST List: Vol-12-1206

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