12.1287, Qs: Verb-movement, Unmarked Possessives

The LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu May 10 12:57:54 UTC 2001

LINGUIST List:  Vol-12-1287. Thu May 10 2001. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 12.1287, Qs: Verb-movement, Unmarked Possessives

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Date:  Thu, 10 May 2001 11:18:27 +0530
From:  "sharbani" <sharbe at vsnl.net>
Subject:  verb-movement

Date:  Thu, 10 May 2001 14:40:33 +0200
From:  Joost Kremers <j.kremers at let.kun.nl>
Subject:  Unmarked possessives

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 10 May 2001 11:18:27 +0530
From:  "sharbani" <sharbe at vsnl.net>
Subject:  verb-movement


      Can someone please suggest some literature on 'Verb Movement' in
the narrow syntax----or send me some paper(s)/suggest some site from
where I can download the work?
     In my Ph.D thesis on Bangla Syntax, I have observed the following
points regarding 'verb movement'.

1) When the verb moves to the head of a phrase, that phrase freezes
2) In some cases, movement of the verb to the head of the 'Binder',
destroys Binding possibilities-be it anaphoric binding
3) The adverbs must remain in a relation of c-command vis-a-vis the
verb. When the verb moves up, the adverbs must move up too.
4) The scope of Negation is determined by the position of the verb.
5) Whether a phrase has a Specific Reading or an indefinite reading is
once again determined by the position of the verb.
      I am looking for an explaination to all these effects. I have had
no literature on the subject.
 Thank you in advance

sharbe at vsnl.net

Contact address:
D-84, 'Matri Mandir', Sector-IX,
New Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad-201,009,
U.P. India
(C/o Centre for Applied Linguistics & Translation Studies,
University Of Hyderabad, Hyderabad-500,046, India.)

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 10 May 2001 14:40:33 +0200
From:  Joost Kremers <j.kremers at let.kun.nl>
Subject:  Unmarked possessives

Hello all,

There are apparently languages that do not mark possessives in any
way. They simply juxtapose two nouns to express possession. So for
example to express "John's car", they would say either "car John" or
"John car".

I am looking for references to any studies dealing with this
phenomenon, either in specific languages or in general. I would also
be very gratefulif anyone could tell me about languages that use this
structure, because so far I have only found a very few cases.

Thanks in advance,

Joost Kremers

Joost Kremers, M.A.

University of Nijmegen
Department of Languages and Cultures of the Middle-East

PO Box 9103
6500 HD Nijmegen
tel: 024-3612996
fax: 024-3611972


LINGUIST List: Vol-12-1287

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