20.3519, Calls: Applied Ling, Translation/Italy

Tue Oct 20 14:58:09 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-3519. Tue Oct 20 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.3519, Calls: Applied Ling, Translation/Italy

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Kate Wu <kate at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 19-Oct-2009
From: Maurizio Viezzi < mviezzi at units.it >
Subject: Emerging Topics in Translation and Interpreting

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 10:55:45
From: Maurizio Viezzi [mviezzi at units.it]
Subject: Emerging Topics in Translation and Interpreting

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Full Title: Emerging Topics in Translation and Interpreting 

Date: 16-Jun-2010 - 18-Jun-2010
Location: Trieste, Italy 
Contact Person: Maurizio Viezzi
Meeting Email: nuovi.percorsi.2010 at units.it
Web Site: http://www.dslit.units.it 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Translation 

Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2010 

Meeting Description:

Emerging Topics in Translation and Interpreting
Nuovi percorsi in traduzione e interpretazione

International conference hosted by the Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio,
dell'Interpretazione e della Traduzione (DSLIT) in collaboration with the Scuola
Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori (SSLMIT) University of
Trieste, 16-18 June 2010 

First Call for Papers

To celebrate the launch of our new Ph.D. programme in Scienze
dell'Interpretazione e della Traduzione (Interpreting and Translation Studies)
and the first thirty years of the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per
Interpreti e Traduttori as a fully-fledged university faculty, we invite papers
for an International Conference on Emerging Topics in Translation and
Interpreting / Nuovi percorsi in traduzione e interpretazione. The conference
will take place in Trieste on 16, 17 and 18 June 2010 and is organised in five
sessions. Each corresponds to the main areas of research interest of the members
of the DSLIT department and has its own keynote speaker. The sessions are the

1 Translation and interpreting as a human right
In Europe there are hundreds of language communities made up of people who often
have little or no knowledge of the language(s) of their country of residence and
who, in most cases, speak non-indigenous languages, i.e. languages that do not
benefit from the protection generally granted to regional and minority
languages. Furthermore, every year thousands of immigrants and asylum-seekers
come to Europe. All these people have needs and rights. If meeting their needs
is perhaps just a matter of language mediation, protecting their rights, from
the point of view of languages, is above all a matter of democracy. Papers are
invited on this topic, with particular reference to institutional aspects and
the role of universities.

2 From interpreting theory to the interpreting profession
Since the Trieste Conference in 1986, the range of conference interpreting
studies has greatly expanded but has not always been accompanied by
investigation into and discussion of research methodologies and techniques. This
session calls for papers on simultaneous and consecutive interpreting research
which - besides highlighting methodologies - are aimed at the professional world
and the way findings can be applied to conference interpreter training.

3 Translation teaching: bridging theory and the profession
Despite the efforts by scholars to increase the common ground between
translation theory and practice and professionalism becoming a major trend in
translation teaching, the idea of theoretical models being of little use to
practitioners persists. Thus between the areas of Translation Studies as an
academic area and professional translation there is still only minimal contact.
Likewise, translator training institutions have often come under attack by
practitioners looking for some theoretical support for the increasing challenges
of their profession. This session aims to bring together translators, translator
trainers and translation scholars to discuss ways to extend the currently
limited area where their three domains overlap. Contributions should contain
theoretical and empirical perspectives on any theme relevant to bridging the gap
between theory and practice. These may include studies on:
- Issues of ideology, power, culture, quality or ethics in translation practice
and teaching
- The role of translation theory in motivating and justifying translation strategies
- The role of technology in translation teaching
- Areas of competence of translation teachers vs. professional translators
- Training courses for trainers
- Involvement of academics in translators' associations
- Norms in translation teaching

4 Interpreting corpora
Empirical research on Interpreting is overwhelmingly based on case studies,
which fail to describe regularities in the interpreters' translational and
interactional behaviour. In order to determine what in Descriptive Translation
Studies are known as "norms", a large body of data is needed. This session
intends to outline the state of the art in the creation of corpora in the field
of Interpreting, focussing on issues such as collection, transcription, tagging,
querying, usability and comparability of data.

5 The right to see through words: audiodescription
Among the various emerging and challenging topics in the field of audiovisual
translation, audiodescription (a technique that gives access to people who are
blind or visually impaired to the visual media) is gaining ground rapidly. This
session aims to map the current status of research in this area, and to draw
attention to its social, cognitive, cultural, political and technological
aspects. We are therefore inviting presentations focusing on such issues and
investigating them from either a theoretical or empirical point of view.

Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori
via Filzi 14
34132 Trieste

Abstracts must be received by 31 January 2010.
Notification of acceptance by 28 February 2010.

Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstracts must be 250-400 words long and should be sent as Word attachments to
the e-mail address nuovi.percorsi.2010 at units.it (Subject: "ABSTRACT") which will
be active in late October. At the end of the abstract please give your full name
and surname, address, phone number and e-mail, your position and institutional

Conference Languages
Italian and English are the primary working languages. Please contact the
organisers for information about using French, Spanish and German and the
availability of interpreting services.

Information and Contact Details
A second circular with information about registration, accommodation and other
practicalities will appear in November 2009. For all correspondence about the
symposium please use the e-mail address nuovi.percorsi.2010 at units.it, which will
be active at the end of October. Please indicate "general information query",
"payment" or "abstract" in the Subject line of your e-mail.

Registration fees and deadlines
Early-bird registration (before 15 April 2010): 100 euros.
After 15 April: 120 euros.
Contributors are invited to register by 15 April 2010.

The conference is being organised by the Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio,
dell'Interpretazione e della Traduzione (DSLIT) and the Scuola Superiore di
Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori (SSLMIT) of the University of
Trieste. The following are members of the organising committee:

Caterina Falbo, Elie Kallas, Cynthia Kellett Bidoli, Marella Magris, José
Francisco Medina Montero, Elisa Perego, Alessandra Riccardi, Francesco Straniero
Sergio, Christopher Taylor, Maurizio Viezzi (Coordinator).

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-3519	


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