27.4118, Jobs: Applied Linguistics: President, Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)

The LINGUIST List via LINGUIST linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Oct 13 19:25:11 UTC 2016

LINGUIST List: Vol-27-4118. Thu Oct 13 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 27.4118, Jobs: Applied Linguistics: President, Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry,
                                   Robert Coté, Michael Czerniakowski)
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Editor for this issue: Amanda Foster <amanda at linguistlist.org>

Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 15:25:04
From:  CAL Human Resources [jobs at cal.org]
Subject: Applied Linguistics: President, Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL), Washington DC, USA

University or Organization: Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) 
Job Location: District of Columbia, USA 
Job Title: President
Job Rank: Executive; Other

Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics 


The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) seeks applications and nominations
for the position of President. The President provides intellectual leadership
and overall direction for the organization. CAL’s current President will leave
this position in 2017.

CAL is an internationally recognized nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose
mission is to promote access, equity, and mutual understanding for
linguistically and culturally diverse people around the world. Presently, CAL
houses major federally funded projects on English language learning, foreign
languages, language policy, language assessment, and literacy education.
Research and application efforts focus on diverse areas of language education,
language policy, assessment, and training. CAL has an annual operating budget
of approximately $17 million, with a staff of approximately 80.

During its 58-year history, CAL has focused its efforts largely on language
education and assessment, and on issues of equity and access for language
minority populations. In recent years, CAL has broadened its focus in response
to private sector needs in the areas of workplace literacy and linguistic
diversity in the workplace.

Internally, the major role of the President is to work with the Board of
Trustees to manage the opportunities and challenges of public and private
sector endeavors. The President is directly assisted in these areas by an
executive team that will include the Vice President for Language Education,
and the Vice President for Language Assessment. In addition, the President
will be assisted in managing administration matters by a Vice President for

Externally, the President will represent CAL to a wide range of stakeholders
and constituencies including academic, government, media, associations, and
other organizations in both the public and private sectors. Working with
members of the professional community, as well as the Board of Trustees, the
President will exercise creativity in developing research and application
priorities, nurturing present and future funding sources and partnerships, and
developing new markets for CAL research, services, and products.

We seek candidates with the vision and talent to lead our mission-oriented
organization in addressing program goals and developing new opportunities for
diversification in our activities. Preferred qualifications for this position
include a doctoral-level degree in applied linguistics or an allied discipline
relevant to CAL's mission, experience managing a nonprofit organization, and
success in obtaining federal and other funding.

Application Deadline: 31-Mar-2017 (Open until filled)
Email Address for Applications: presidentsearch2016 at cal.org 
Contact Information
	CAL Human Resources 
	Email: jobs at cal.org 


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