28.1256, Calls: Computational Linguistics, Text/Corpus Linguistics, Translation/Cyprus

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Tue Mar 14 20:37:44 UTC 2017

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-1256. Tue Mar 14 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 28.1256, Calls: Computational Linguistics, Text/Corpus Linguistics, Translation/Cyprus

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2017 16:37:21
From: Zhandos Zhumanov [z.zhake at gmail.com]
Subject: Special Session on Low Resource Languages Processing at the 9th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI 2017)

Full Title: Special Session on Low Resource Languages Processing at the 9th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI 2017) 
Short Title: LRLP 2017 

Date: 27-Sep-2017 - 29-Sep-2017
Location: Nicosia, Cyprus 
Contact Person: Ualsher Tukeyev
Meeting Email: ualsher.tukeyev at gmail.com
Web Site: http://cyprusconferences.org/iccci2017/ssessions.html 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Translation 

Call Deadline: 01-Apr-2017 

Meeting Description:

Natural Language Processing is an important, interesting and very topical
scientific problem. However, not all languages have a sufficient amount of
linguistic resources to conduct full-fledged research. A small amount of such
resources is an obstacle to application of existing techniques for solving NLP
problems, and requires adaptation and revision of them. The LRLP 2017 Special
Session at the 9th International Conference on Computational Collective
Intelligence (ICCCI 2017) is devoted to discussing solutions to such problems.

Call for Papers:

We want to offer an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to identify
new promising research directions as well as to publish recent advances in
this area. The scope of LRLP 2017 includes, but is not limited to the
following topics:

- Morphological Analysis
- Syntactic Analysis
- Lexical Analysis
- Semantic Analysis
- Sentiment Analysis
- Corpus Studies
- Word Sense Disambiguation
- Automatic Text Labeling
- Named Entity Recognition
- Natural Language Generation
- Machine Translation
- Speech Recognition
- Text Processing Application
- Hybrid Approaches
- Rule-based Approaches
- Statistical Approaches

Important Dates:

Submission of papers: April 1, 2017
Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2017
Camera-ready papers: May 15, 2017
Registration & payment: June 15, 2017
Conference date: September 27-29, 2017


All contributions should be original and not published elsewhere or intended
to be published during the review period. Authors are invited to submit their
papers electronically in pdf format, through EasyChair. All the special
sessions are centralized as tracks in the same conference management system as
the regular papers. Therefore, to submit a paper please activate the following
link and select the track: LRLP 2017: Special Session on Low Resource
Languages Processing.


Authors are invited to submit original previously unpublished research papers
written in English, of up to 10 pages, strictly following the LNCS/LNAI format
guidelines. Authors can download the Latex (recommended) or Word templates
available at Springer's web site. Submissions not following the format
guidelines will be rejected without review. To ensure high quality, all papers
will be thoroughly reviewed by the LRLP 2017 Program Committee. All accepted
papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the
conference and pay the fee. The conference proceedings will be published by
Springer in the prestigious series LNCS/LNAI (indexed by ISI CPCI-S, included
in ISI Web of Science, EI, ACM Digital Library, dblp, Google Scholar, Scopus,


*****************    LINGUIST List Support    *****************
                       Fund Drive 2017
Please support the LL editors and operation with a donation at:

This year the LINGUIST List hopes to raise $70,000. This money
will go to help keep the List running by supporting all of our 
Student Editors for the coming year.

Don't forget to check out the Fund Drive 2017 site!


We collect donations via the eLinguistics Foundation, a
registered 501(c) Non Profit organization with the federal tax
number 45-4211155. The donations can be offset against your
federal and sometimes your state tax return (U.S. tax payers
only). For more information visit the IRS Web-Site, or contact
your financial advisor.

Many companies also offer a gift matching program. Contact
your human resources department and send us the necessary form.

Thank you very much for your support of LINGUIST!

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-1256	

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