28.2301, Calls: Computational Linguistics, Gen Ling, Ling Theories, Semantics, Syntax/Sweden

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Wed May 24 14:23:39 UTC 2017

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-2301. Wed May 24 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 28.2301, Calls: Computational Linguistics, Gen Ling, Ling Theories, Semantics, Syntax/Sweden

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>

Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 10:23:32
From: Tatjana Scheffler [tatjana.scheffler at uni-potsdam.de]
Subject: 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms

Full Title: 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms 
Short Title: TAG+13 

Date: 04-Sep-2017 - 06-Sep-2017
Location: Umeå, Sweden 
Contact Person: Tatjana Scheffler
Meeting Email: tatjana.scheffler at uni-potsdam.de
Web Site: http://tag13.cs.umu.se/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; General Linguistics; Linguistic Theories; Semantics; Syntax 

Call Deadline: 11-Jun-2017 

Meeting Description:

The Thirteenth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related
Formalisms (TAG+13)

4–6 September 2017
Umeå University, Sweden

The Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+) is a
workshop series, inaugurated in 1990, that fosters exchange of ideas among
linguists, psycholinguists, and computer scientists interested in modelling
natural language using formal grammars. The scope of the workshop includes
Tree-Adjoining Grammars as well as other string, tree, and graph grammar
formalisms, such as Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG), Head-Driven Phrase
Structure Grammar (HPSG), Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG), Minimalist Grammar
(MG), and dependency grammars; hence the '+' in the name of the workshop.

Past workshops have helped identify similarities and differences between the
above formalisms, leading to the shared development of broad-coverage
grammars, transfer of parsing and machine learning algorithms from one
formalism to another and to new insights into the properties of different
formalisms and their capacity for linguistic explanation. Additionally, the
workshop will enable further cross-fertilisation of ideas that combine the
representational flexibility of TAG-like grammar formalisms with the
robustness afforded by machine learning techniques to produce a deeper insight
into modelling of natural language.

This edition of TAG+ will be co-located with the 13th International Conference
on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP;
http://fsmnlp2017.cs.umu.se), fostering the scientific exchange between the
two research communities. The meeting will include a number of joint tutorial
presentations, designed to introduce attendees to a range of topics relevant
to both communities. TAG+ is endorsed by the ACL Special Interest Groups on
Finite-State Methods (SIGFSM) and on Mathematics of Language (SIGMOL).

We are pleased to announce that the following distinguished researchers have
agreed to give invited talks at the workshop:

- Ann Copestake, University of Cambridge (UK)
- Gregory M. Kobele, University of Chicago (USA) and Universität Leipzig

Final Call for Papers:

The deadline for TAG+13 has been extended. The new and final deadline for the
submission of full papers is 11 June 2017.

No prior submission of abstracts is required anymore. Already submitted papers
can be updated until the deadline. Please find the adjusted Call for Papers

Topics of Interest:

We invite submissions on all aspects of TAG and related grammatical formalisms
including the following topics:

- syntactic and semantic theory
- mathematical properties
- computational and algorithmic studies of parsing, semantic analysis,
discourse, and language generation
- machine learning models
- corpus-based research and grammar development
- psycholinguistic modelling
- applications to natural language processing or other areas

Important Dates:

- Deadline for submission of full papers: 11 June 2017
- Notification to authors of decision: 16 July 2017
- Deadline for camera-ready submission: 6 August 2017
- Workshop dates: 4–6 September 2017

Contact Information:

- EasyChair submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tag13
- Workshop Website: http://tag13.cs.umu.se
- Programme Chairs: tag13 at fastmail.fm


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