31.2371, Calls: Applied Ling, Disc Analys, Semantics, Text/Corpus Ling, Translation/France

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Fri Jul 24 16:13:38 UTC 2020

LINGUIST List: Vol-31-2371. Fri Jul 24 2020. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 31.2371, Calls: Applied Ling, Disc Analys, Semantics, Text/Corpus Ling, Translation/France

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Lauren Perkins, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Joshua Sims
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Editor for this issue: Lauren Perkins <lauren at linguistlist.org>

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2020 12:13:08
From: Agnès LEROUX [agleroux at parisnanterre.fr]
Subject: Contrastive Linguistics : taking stock and looking forward in 2021. A conference in the honour and in presence of Jacqueline Guillemin-Flescher

Full Title: Contrastive Linguistics : taking stock and looking forward in 2021. A conference in the honour and in presence of Jacqueline Guillemin-Flescher. 

Date: 10-Jun-2021 - 11-Jun-2021
Location: Paris Créteil, France 
Contact Person: Doro-Mégy Leroux
Meeting Email: francoise.doro-megy at u-pec.fr; agleroux at parisnanterre.fr

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Semantics; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Translation 

Call Deadline: 30-Jan-2021 

Meeting Description:

The aim of this conference is to assess the state of contrastive linguistics
in 2021 while paying tribute to the major contribution of Jacqueline
Guillemin-Flescher, who has trained many contrastive linguists, in France as
well as in the rest of Europe. In her 2003 article Théoriser la traduction
(Theorizing translation), Jacqueline Guillemin-Flescher describes how
different approaches to translation issues differ in their specific methods,
research subjects and end goals and shows why linguistics should be an
integral part of the development of translation studies. The comparativist
diachronic perspective has gradually given way to the study of translation as
a scientific means of access to language activity. Her research focuses on the
internalized speech patterns that vary from one language to another, using a
corpus of translated texts. This approach has often been criticized for
ignoring the cross-cultural dimension of translation: “translation cannot be a
matter of linguistics alone, because it is also a mode of cross-cultural
communication, with everything that this entails, far beyond the linguistic
forms it is based on, and because it relies on all the psycho-cognitive work
that underlies cross-linguistic transference” (Ladmiral, 2006 : 8). However,
the research of contrastive linguists have contributed to enriching the
practice of translators while the phenomena highlighted by translation
scholars continue to broaden linguists’ sometimes narrow perspective on the
translation process. Thus has contrastive linguistics become a recognized
method for comparing source and target languages, to the point that it is now
on the curriculum for competitive examinations for the recruitment of teachers
in France.

Keynote speakers:
-Jacqueline Guillemin Flescher, Professeur Émérite, Université de Paris.
-Raluca Nita, MCF, Université de Poitiers.

Call for Papers: 

This conference is open to research on any language, and communications
focusing on the following issues, but not limited to, are welcome:
-What is the place of contrastive linguistics within general linguistics, in
France and abroad, in 2021? How has it evolved since the mid-20th century?
-To what extent can contrastive linguistics be described as applied
-Is not the often-varied terminology referring to research on contrasts
between linguistic systems (compared linguistics, translation studies,
contrastive pragmatics or contrastive semantics) the actual impediment to a
clear-cut definition of contrastive linguistics?
-What differentiates contrastive linguistics from comparative grammar?
-What use should be made of digital corpora?
-How does contrastive linguistics practised in academic research compare with
what is applied in public-education competitive examinations?
-What is a researcher’s level of expertise in their native language? Is
single-language foreign-language teaching problematic?

Practical information:
Language: abstracts and papers can be in French or English.
Upload your abstract on the webpage
Abstract length: 300 to 400 words.
Presentation length: 20 minutes allowed per presentation followed by 10
minutes for discussion.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-31-2371	

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