32.395, Qs: Survey for Language Teachers

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Tue Feb 2 09:55:45 UTC 2021

LINGUIST List: Vol-32-395. Tue Feb 02 2021. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 32.395, Qs: Survey for Language Teachers

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 02 Feb 2021 04:54:03
From: Alba Fano Trabanco [alba.fanotrabanco at ucalgary.ca]
Subject: Survey for Language Teachers

Dear language teachers,
My name is Alba, and I am a PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics. I am
conducting a study on the experience of language teaching during the COVID-19
pandemic and the use, or lack thereof, of mindfulness practices (e.g.,
breathing, meditation, relaxation techniques) in teaching. Please consider
taking part in a 10- to 15-minute survey on the topic. If you decide to take
part in the study, you can find the survey here:
https://survey.ucalgary.ca/jfe/form/SV_etCQO0C00W4Y2QR Feel free to pass the
survey on to other language teachers and instructors.
The survey is completely anonymous, and your participation is completely
voluntary. At the end of the survey, you will be asked if you would like to
take part in a follow-up interview and/or a consultation session to review a
set of mindful techniques for language learning. If you are willing to do so,
you will be asked to provide your email address.  
This study has been approved by the University of Calgary Conjoint Faculties
Research Ethics Board (REB20-1832) and my supervisors, Dr. Mary O’Brien
(mgobrien at ucalgary.ca) and Dr. Angela George (angela.george at ucalgary.ca).  

Thank you.  

Alba Fano Trabanco
School of Languages, Literatures, Linguistics and Cultures
University of Calgary

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics


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LINGUIST List: Vol-32-395	

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