LL-L "Measure words" 2002.12.05 (07) [D/E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Thu Dec 5 19:42:10 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 05.DEC.2002 (07) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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               V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Measure words" 2002.12.05 (05) [D/E]

I couldn't wait to try that one on my American husband. He got the weights
wrong (hee hee), but he knew without even thinking how many yards are in a
mile: 1770 - or so he says (but then, he has a great head for trivia).

I'm afraid you've been out of the country for too long. A "Zentner" comes to
100 German pounds (500g each), and thus to 50 kg, not 500 kg. Remember that
especially heavy people are often referred to as "Zwei-Zentner-Frau" or
"Drei-Zentner-Mann". According to your reckoning, they'd have to weigh a ton
or more!

I know your opinions always carry a lot of weight, but this time you rather
overdid it! :-D

Gabriele Kahn


From: corber <corber at shaw.ca>
Subject: metric

In Canada we started metric many years ago,but then we elected a
Conservative government who stopped it.So now we have it 50/50. Produce and
meat is priced at both metric and Imperial.. Building supplies are mainly in
Imperial. Distance and,fluids are metric.Land was surveyed in miles and
feet.  Automobiles are metric exept the wheels are in inches as they are in
the rest of the world I believe.. I have never been able to figure how the
US started Brititish ,then changed their gallons to a smaller gallon  and
developed machine threads to a system they call SAE. The British untill
metrification used more than one machine thread system.

Cornelius Bergen


From: Browne, Kevin at Astronaut BrowneK at brevard.k12.fl.us
Subject: measure words


I was not offended. I've lived here in the States all my life and
it's still amazing to me how many people in this country walk
around as though no other country or language exists. This year,
as in many years past, I had a student say: ,,why can't they
just speak English like we do?" I replied: Yeah, after all Adam
and Eve spoke English and anyone speaking one of those
other languages is going to hell." They didn't know I was joking,
but I think I got their attention.

By the way, I have a thermometer outside my front door that
was a gift and it only has celsius. I use it all the time. (Zal ik
een jasje dragen of niet?) Ik wens dat we allemaal Nederlands
kon spreken...de mooiste en vriendelijkste taal ter wereld.
Maar dat is alleen mijn opinie.

Kevin Browne

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