LL-L "Holidays" 2002.12.05 (13) [E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Thu Dec 5 22:32:10 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 05.DEC.2002 (13) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Global Moose Translations globalmoose at t-online.de
Subject: LL-L "Digression" 2002.12.05 (10) [E/LS/S/Russian]

Ron schreef:

>I hope that all of our subscribers in the Dutch-, Flemish-, Zeelandic-,
>Limburgish- and Low-Saxon-speaking areas have been more nice
>than naughty all year and will get at least a little something from Old

and further:
> Nee, nee! Du büst veel to unaardig west un schast morgen fröh man bloots
> Stück Kohl in dien Schoh finnen!
> Old Nick
> (a.k.a. The Ron)

Uhmmm... Ron... I hate to point this out to you, since you left me all those
good wishes for tomorrow (you see, I'm diabetic and sweets would actually be
bad for me)... but... you ARE aware that "Old Nick" is not the same as ""Old
St. Nick", but is, in fact, a name for the muckle de'il - de Düwel - the
devil himself, right?!

Remember the song "Ghost riders in the sky" where "they say Old Nick himself
was seen along the trail"?

Thus I'm not so terribly sure what to make of your heartfelt message for all
Lowlanders... ;-)

Somewhat apprehensively,
Gabriele Kahn


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Holidays


> Uhmmm... Ron... I hate to point this out to you, since you left me all
> good wishes for tomorrow (you see, I'm diabetic and sweets would actually
> bad for me)... but... you ARE aware that "Old Nick" is not the same as
> St. Nick", but is, in fact, a name for the muckle de'il - de Düwel - the
> devil himself, right?!

Sure. So you *were* paying attention!  I was just checking.  ;)  Isn't Old
Nick the one who supplies the lumps of coal for the naughty ones?


P.S.: And, for your information, American banknotes are now about to go
multicolored! So there!

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