LL-L "Coinage" 2002.11.27 (02) [E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Wed Nov 27 17:18:33 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 27.NOV.2002 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
 L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic
               V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: Stan Levinson <stlev99 at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "Vocabulary"

List friends,
I have a question mainly relating to Dutch.
I was thinking the other day about the old names of
Dutch coins, viz stuiver, dubbeltje, kwartje, and
wondering if those names have been shifted over to
Euro coins.  Not having been to Europe since before
the monetary union, I don't know anything about the
Euro or its coinage, so I'm curious.
I'd also be interested in hearing about other Lowlands
languages and how they handle this (in België and the
non-native Hollands speaking parts of the Netherlands,
as well as "Lowlands" Germany.

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