LL-L "History" 2002.10.30 (15) [E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Thu Oct 31 06:21:23 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 30.OCT.2002 (15) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Ed Alexander <edsells at cogeco.ca>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2002.10.30 (10) [E]

At 05:01 PM 10/30/02 -0800, Críostóir wrote:
>in the days when conscription into
>the British navy was a daily hazard (around 1815),

Actually, in 1815 the problem had disappeared with the end of the
Napoleonic Wars.  The conscription or "impressment" of American sailors
into the British navy on the high seas was "necessitated" by the
need for sailors in a nation fighting for its life against Napoleon and
trying to pretty much blockade the Continent and inhibit trade with
anyway it could.  In retaliation for this and some other similar
grievances, the Americans declared war on Britain and attempted to seize
British North America (Canada), which they thought would be a lot
than trying to invade Britain or build a navy large and powerful enough
challenge the British on the open seas.

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