LL-L "Etymology" 2002.09.15 (04) [E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Mon Sep 16 00:49:10 UTC 2002

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From: erek gass <egass at caribline.com>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.09.15 (02) [E]

This is an easy one, and shews the importance of pop culture.  A very
popular cartoon cat appeared in American newspapers (I believe it was around
the turn of the century, but don't hold me to the year) was named Tom Cat.
He was SO popular in fact that the term, "tomcat", came quickly to be
applied to all male house cats.

If you're further curious about related words, prior to "tomcat", male cats
were called "ram cats".  Female house cats were then (and now) called

And when did male turkeys come to be called "toms"?  Well, that one I don't
know.  But the females are called "hens" just the same as female chickens.

Erek Gass

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