LL-L "Names" 2003.04.28 (11) [E]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 29 03:06:20 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 28.APR.2003 (11) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * sassisch at yahoo.com
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: Tetja Barbee <tetja at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: etymology

Hello, my name is Tetja Barbee, and I am sending this copy of a recent
publication I am involved with hope that any one may be so kind as
to help me.  My deepest gratification goes to all who take the time to
read this letter--english only--and for understanding that I am limited
speaking English only.  I will truly appreciate any further

Our work on conducting genealogy research at AHSGR varies from day to
day. Each case we receive and process has its own challenges, while
we help identifying family surnames, old family links, people and places
frozen in time at old photographs, and sometimes we find ourselves
putting all these elements together like in a huge jig-saw puzzle. In
the process of organizing the practical aspects at each enquiry we
receive, we
also realize that our teamwork is not exempt of finding huge question
marks as well. This is the case presented by Tetja A. Barbee, who has
recently contacted AHSGR genealogy research team with the letter we
publish below. Tetja’s case is most likely of etymological nature. It is
about finding the origin of the name she was given. However, on
searching for the sources that could have originated her name one might
right at the crossroads of ethnical roots quite hidden to our eyes
nowadays. Perhaps there is somebody out there willing to join Tetja on!
search. If so, please contact her at:

                                          Tetja Ann Barbee

                                       E-mail: tetja at sbcglobal.net

"To whom it may concern:

I am so elated and truly appreciate the depth and volume of information
your web site provides. Thank You! I have been searching for years
to find out the true "meaning" of my name, Tetja. With a little
background, perhaps you might have the time or be able to help point me
in the
right direction? Any effort on your part will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Most certainly, Tetja has a unique quality that points in the
German-Russian direction. My purpose is to find the meaning of the name
and its language of origin. Modern day German's say, "very old
Friesian," or "Russian German," or "extinct dialect from East European
wars." Yet, my determination to continue weighs on one very distinct

Tetja, oddly enough, is a common term for "Aunt" in modern day Russian,
but it is NOT originally a Russian name (I discovered this in current
research). Basic Slavic and Austrian searches have led to dead ends, as
well. Everything seems to point out to this period of Catherine the
Great when she allowed Germans to migrate. Yet, the family history is
not one of agriculture, but one of military and business. Her father a
soldier –most likely the 30 years war or Austrian Hungarian Empire (?),
and also a tailor, so the move to migrate for agriculture
does not fit entirely. I will be the first to admit
 I know nothing
about the history here, and all I am able to do is piece together many
bits of
information I have gathered thus far on this Grueling, tiresome search!
With all earnestly, is it this difficult for most people?

I do apologize for any hint of a brazen quality; however, I am
completely and utterly frustrated beyond any previous expectations of
what I might face in this search. Her brothers, Hernricus and Peter,
lithographers and transcribers. All three children were born between
1856 and 1860. Tetja’s grandfather Eiko Schaefer was from East or
Ostfriesland, Emden, Germany. I know her father was also Eiko Schaefer,
and her mother Janna H. Jannsen. Eiko Jr. was a soldier/tailor. I also
know that Tetja, known as Great Aunt Tetja was married to wood
carver/cabinet maker Fredrick Spitznagle, son of Justine Von Handle and
Jacob Spitznagle, and grandson of Baron Von Handle.

This is all I know, but I keep hitting dead ends when I search purely
German, Russian, Slavic, Dutch, and Friesian name web sites. Does any
one know how a woman, who is clearly of German and Scandinavian
ancestry, was given such a unique name, where it comes from, and why the
only connection I can find is that it means "Aunt" in Russian, but is
not a Russian name?!? I would love to find out more about Tetja

My deepest gratification is sent for any one reading this e-mail for the
purpose of extending your generous hand in helping with my efforts to
discover the true meaning and history of my name Tetja. Thank you for
your time and consideration.

My kindest regards,



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names

Hello, Tetja!

I cannot help you with this particular quest, but I can welcome you to
the circle of vocal Lowlanders and thank you for doing so.

Kindest regards,

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