LL-L "Phonology" 2003.08.29 (13) [E]

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Sat Aug 30 00:00:26 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 29.AUG.2003 (13) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: daniel <danie at ryan-prohaska.com>
Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2003.08.29 (02) [E]

Beannachdan a screfas:

<I've been wondering about the sound /hw/ in English and its prevelance
<among English and Scots speakers. I'm interested to know how widespread
it <is in the US, the UK, and throughout the Lowlands world. Is it
common in <other Lowlandic languages, outside of Scots and English? I
have always <thought that it was common in the Southern US, parts of
England, and <Scotland, but I'm not sure. To be frank, I want to know
because a few <friends of mine claim that no one says it as /hw/.

<I don't quite remember if I've asked this question or if it's been
asked by
<someone else before, Ron. If I have, I apologize.

Dear all,

I've very really heard /hw/ pronounced in England except by slightly
uppety RP speaker and then only by few. Somebody mentioned hearing me
pronounce it, but I found it hard to believe. Maybe I was trying to
attempt an international English and delved into a reading pronunciation
("nach der Schrift reden"). I usually speak with quite a strong
north-western English accent that especially Americans find hard to
understand sometimes.

I was under the impression that /hw/ was more common in General American
"careful" pronunciation.


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