LL-L "Literature" 2003.12.31 (01) [E/LS]

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Wed Dec 31 17:45:16 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 31.DEC.2003 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Literature

Dear Lowlanders,

2003 is leaving us with a bit of rare snow here in the Pacific Northwest,
and it looks rather pretty.  So here is Claus Groth's children's poem about
snow, followed by my translation.  You can find it and other CG works here:

Hoping you'll all have a good and safe transition into 2004,


De Snee
(Claus Groth, 1819-1899)

   De Snee ut'n Heben
   kummt eben, alleben
   in Grimmelgewimmel
   hendal ut'n Himmel,
   hendal ut de Wulken
   as Duben, as Swulken,
   as Feddern, as Duun
   op de Hüüs, op'n Tuun,
   as Duun un as Feddern:

   Fru Meddern! Fru Meddern!
   Herinner! Kruup ünner
   un roop alle Kinner!
   De Höhner, de Küken!
   Schüllt kamen, schüllt kieken!
   Schüllt kieken un sehn,
   de groten, de kleen'n,
   alleben, alleben
   den Snee ut'n Heben.


General Lowlands Saxon Spelling (ANS):
Dey Sney
(Claus Groth, 1819-1899)

   Dey sney uut d'n heven
   kumt even, alleven
   in grimmelgewimmel
   hendaal uut d'n himmel,
   hendaal uut dey wulken
   as duven, as swulken,
   as veddern, as duun
   op dey hüys', op d'n tuun,
   as duun un as veddern:

   Vru Meddern! Vru Meddern!
   Herinner! Kruup ünner
   un roup alle kinder!
   Dey höyner, dey küyken!
   Schült kamen, schült kyken!
   Schült kyken un seyn,
   dey groten, dey kleyn'n,
   alleven, alleven
   d'n sney uut d'n heven.

English translation (R. F. Hahn):
(Claus Groth, 1819-1899)

   Snow from the heavens
   keeps falling, all over
   in dense blurry flurry
   from the sky in a hurry,
   comes down from the clouds
   like doves, like swallows,
   like feathers, like down
   on the houses, on the fence,
   like down and like feathers.

   Oh, Auntie! Oh, Auntie!
   Down, down now! Seek shelter
   and call all the children!
   The chickens, the chicks!
   Must come and must look!
   Must look and must see!
   Go call big and small!
   All over, all over
   the snow from the heavens.

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