LL-L "Delectables" 2003.01.12 (01) [E]

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Sun Jan 12 19:11:49 UTC 2003

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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject:  LL-L "Delectables" 2003.01.11 (06) [E]

>Now, another bread related question.  On a trip to Groningen,
>Netherlands, I came across some bread that looked like plain old white
>bread, but was sweet.  What was this called and how can I make it myself?

Another confusing topic; where I come from (Southern Lower Saxony, between
the Harz mountains and the river Weser), this type of bread is called
"Semmel" - which is what rolls (Brötchen, Rundstücke) are called in Southern
Germany. In other areas of Northern Germany, however, they call it "Stuten".
Sometimes it has raisins in it, too, and it is usually made with milk. I can
dig up a recipe for that one, too. Just give me a day or two. It is easy
enough to make.

Gabriele Kahn

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