LL-L "Etymology" 2003.09.14 (04) [A/E]

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Sun Sep 14 17:28:14 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 14.SEP.2003 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: ezinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2003.09.13 (06) [E]

Dag Laaglanders,

Ron skryf:
> Terrence, Lowlanders, I've always assumed that Afrikaans _darem_
> is a cognate of Dutch _daarom_, Lowlands Saxon (Low German) _darüm_
> (<daarüm>) and German _darum_.  As far as I am aware, the second syllable
> _darem_ really has a schwa sound, and it _darem_ seems fairly reasonable
> see it as a reduction of _...rom_, since it is an unstressed syllable.

The Afrikaans 'darem' does not mean 'therefore'. It's best translated as
'after all'/
'at least' as in the examples:
-Hulle het darem nie baie seergekry nie.
-Dit is darem 'n troos as ons haar kan help/Die een kind het darem aan die
lewe gebly.

> Phonologically, _dalk_ as a contraction of _dadelik_ would make sense,
> except, this latter word means 'immediate(ly)', 'promPt(ly)', 'directly',
> once' (as does Dutch _dadelijk_).

The Afrikaans 'dalk'  is in Dutch also 'misschien' and  _dadelijk_ also
means in Afrikaans 'dadelik'.

Elsie Zinsser

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