LL-L "Games" 2004.08.29 (05) [E/S]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Mon Aug 30 00:43:27 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 29.AUG.2004 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Pat Reynolds <pat at caerlas.demon.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Games" 2004.08.29 (01) [E]

In message <011f01c48dea$e33ce8e0$41b88e8c at D5SYLB51>, Lowlands-L
<lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net> writes
>Sandy ah aye thocht that "Hokey Pokey" wiz a kind o' saft sweetie stuff
>roond Embro streets  in paper pokes. Ah ken that in Victorian days this wiz
>the case.
I thought 'hokey pokey' was (specifically) Italian ice cream (o, che'
poce' = o how cheap!).  But I like your etymology, too.  Can't remember
where I heard mine.

The games discussion has covered much of the ground in the Opie's
excellent book on street games.  I do recommend it (and, indeed,
anything with the Opies' snr or jr names on it, from the excellent
Museum of Packaging to their books of nursery rhymes).

Best wishes to all,

Pat Reynolds
pat at caerlas.demon.co.uk
   "It might look a bit messy now,
                    but just you come back in 500 years time"
   (T. Pratchett)


From: john feather <johnfeather at sceptic1.freeserve.co.uk>
Subject: Games

"Hokey pokey" or "hoky poky" is generally said to be a kind of low-quality
ice cream. It was sold by street vendors as a small quantity in a glass cup,
except that the cup was often very shallow, no more than a shallow
depression in a lump of glass. The customer would lick the hokey pokey off
the glass which would then (at best) be given a quick wipe before it was
used for the next person.

Onions says of unknown origin but The Dictionary of Historical Slang gives
it as from "hocus pocus", saying that It. "o che poco!" is an invention. DHS
gives as a "children's derisive catch-phrase":

"Hokey pokey penny a lump/The more you eat the more you pump."

There is a skipping rhyme which I have from Great Yarmouth in Norfolk which
replaces the last word with "jump", meaning "skip with a rope": the rope is
called a "jump rope". I don't know much about the distribution of "jump" and
"skip" for this activity but "jump" is the US term I've heard on TV.

John Feather johnfeather at sceptic1.freeserve.co.uk


From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org>
Subject: "Games" [E]

> From: Thomas <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
> Subject: LL-L "Games" 2004.08.28 (06) [E/S]
> Widnae gie was in the version I heard but it could well have been
> from the original.

This is more typical:

As I gaed up bi Humber Jumber,
Humber Jumber jiney, O,
Thare I met Sir Hoker Poker
Cairyin awa Campiney, O.
If I haed haed my tit-my-tat,
My tit-my-tat my tiney, O,
I'd never hae lat Sir Hoker Poker,
Cairy awa Campiney, O.


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