LL-L "Proverb" 2004.11.30 (02) [A/E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Wed Dec 1 17:27:37 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 01.DEC.2004 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: heather rendall <HeatherRendall at compuserve.com>
Subject: LL-L "Proverbs" 2004.11.30 (02) [E]

Message text written by INTERNET:lowlands-l at LOWLANDS-L.NET
>>> 3.  An empty stomach makes the kail [soup] excellent.<

I think that this just means that even cabbage tastes good to/on any empty

Rather like  - beggars can't be choosers

If you are hungry even something ( as nasty as ) cabbage is better than



From: ezinsser at tiscali.co.za <ezinsser at tiscali.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Proverbs" 2004.11.30 (08) [E]

Dag julle,

Mark, ek ken die uitdrukking as "Honger is die beste kok".


> > As we say in Afrikaans, 'Honger is die beste sous' -' Hunger is the best


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Proverbs

Hunger is the best sauce.
Hunger is the best spice.
Hunger is good kitchen.

Hunger ne'er wants a guid cook.

Hunger ist der beste Koch.
(Hunger is the best cook.)

Fames est optimus coquus.
(Hunger is the best cook.)
Cibi condimentum est fames.
(Hunger is flavoring for any meal.)

La fame muta le fave in mandorle.
(Hunger makes hard beans sweet.)

A pan de quince dias, hambre de tres semanas.
(To bread of fifteen days, hunger of three weeks.)
A buena hambre no hace falta condimento.
(Good hunger has no need for flavoring.)

Đói thì ăn gì cũng ngon.
(Anything tastes delicious when you are hungry.)

(Hunger does not pick and choose food.)


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