LL-L "Etymology" 2004.07.09 (01) [E]

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Fri Jul 9 14:27:01 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 09.JUL.2004 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Ruth & Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2004.07.01 (05) [E]

Dear Gavin Falconer

Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2004.07.07 (06) [E]

> According to the DSL at http://www.dsl.ac.uk/dsl/, wan- ceased to be
> productive in word formation except in Scots and Northern English after
> Middle English period, and I suspect that Scots simply followed suit after
> delay, with it falling together with un- in many cases.

> The number of Afrikaans and German words using the element could be to do
> with their lack of direct Latinate loans (as opposed to calques) and
> creation of abstract concepts using native elements, which brings me back
> my original point.  It wouldn't surprise me in the least if someone such
> Hately Waddell had coined a few words with wan-, but if one represents
> as the hybrid Latinised Germanic language that it is rather than reforms
> so that it's a purely Germanic one, there's no need for the like.

Thanks for that. Mind you, it is largely the Germanic elements of Scots that
so attract me!



Dear Mark Brooks

Subject: LL-L "Etymology"
Re: on end

> I had always thought it mean something along the lines of "end to end."
> example, "He reads mystery novels for hours on end."  I'm visualizing
> several hours lined up end "on end" (one after the other) with the meaning
> of "consecutively."

Yes; what tickles me is the figure of speech - why it was phrased that way.
For instance, a Korean who had got rather far in English without ever
speaking to an English-speaker shared this problem with me: As he understood
it, 'end' is a terminus - OK, how can it go with 'end-less'? Surely 'on end'
means it stops!

Eventually I got him around to our way of thinking, but he had the
expression of one 'over-persuaded that black is white'. I think I had just
betrayed one of his insights into the language.

Yrs Sincerely,
Mark Dreyer

> >>I've found in 'The Dream of the Rood'
> >>'þæt wæs géara iú   - ic þæt gýta geman
> >>þæt wæs áhéawan  holtes on ende'

> >>where 'on ende' is glossed as 'from the edge' .

> >Well, I don't altogether agree with that gloss

> My English is pretty basic but I've added a few previous lines and tried
> a rough translation
> ...........................   Hælendes tréow,
> ........................   Saviour's tree (cross)
> oþ þæt ic gehýrde   þæt hit hléoðrode     until I heard        that it
> ongan þá word sprecan   wudu  sélesta   began then words to speak:
> best of woods
> þæt wæs géara iú - ic þæt gýta geman     that was years ago - I still
> remember that-
> þæt ic wæs áhéawan holtes on ende'       that I was hewn down  from the
> forest's edge

> However don't take my word for it. I got the gloss for 'on ende' from
> Mitchell and Robinson's A Guide to Old English.

Apologies to you then, & to them, but I hold with my objection about the
present usage of 'hours on end' meaning an 'extended period'. I would still
look for a structural motivation in earlier language for the phrase 'on end'
to meen 'without end'.

Thanks for the interlinear translation.

Thanks also for the translation. I find great pleasure in doing that too.
Here is the same bit from mine, in Afrikaans.

                        '-----    Heiland se boom
           Toe hoor ek    hoe hyg dit;
    beginne spreek,    die saligste van houd,
  "Jare uitgedagte,    so onthou ek
is ek van die woud    se wand weggekap---" '

Yrs sincerely,

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