LL-L "Oral tradition" 2004.07.22 (06) [E/German]

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Thu Jul 22 19:41:33 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 22.JUL.2004 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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From: Ruth & Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Oral tradition" 2004.07.22 (01) [E]

Dear John,

Subject: Oral Tradition

Good stuff on Merlin! If there were a 'Matter of Britain' web page of the
calibre of Reinhard's 'L-Lowlands', bet I'd be on it like a shot. I won't be
alone, I think.


Dear Pat,

Same to you, on archaeology. The historical record is, as I aver, 'cooked'.
In my opinion the only hope of a reliable 'History' of Britain covering the
late Roman to early Anglo-Saxon period is a distant prospect: & it will be
the product of gradual, methodical archaeological research testing the
local -
& I insist on the term 'local', folk record. There is too much speculative
scholarship on the Arthurian period, starting, I think, with Ol' Geoff, & it
gets worse every year. I won't say I dislike the speculation, I speculate
myself, but I confess I suspect I like it in the wrong way, for the wrong



> (research student in archaeology, asking questions about how people
> identified themselves as 'Dutch' outside of the Low Countries in the
> 1600s and 1700s)

Is this (above) a serious statement? If so, you are about to be so snowed


From: HALLS Haeng-Cho <zzhhalls at student.uq.edu.au>

Ach Wei!!!
so ein Heimweh für Deutschland habe ich bekommen als ich das Lied nach so
vielen Jahren noch mal zu hören bekam!

so was gibt's nirgendwo sonst auf der Welt, außer vielleicht auch in Holland

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