LL-L "Etymology" 2005.07.31 (11) [E/German]

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Mon Aug 1 06:16:43 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 31.JUL.2005 (11) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Resources"

Beste Jonny,

You wrote:

> Nur einen Tag später nahm sich unser Luc dieses Themas an, und er (des
> Deutschen sehr mächtig) schrieb 'Schmand', sei es als Zitat oder von ihm
> selbst verfasst.

Thanks first of all, but I quoted this from the 'dtv-Atlas zur Deutschen
Sparche'. Today I checked out Kluge's etymological dictionary, and
believe it or not: they do support the 'smetana'-origin, and don't
mention any relationship with 'smooth' (E).

SmSubstantiv Maskulinum "(saure) Sahne" per.peripherer Wortschatz
reg.regional (15. Jh.)Entlehnung. Wie Schmetten entlehnt aus Cech.
(usw.) smetana f. "Milchrahm".

That's exactly what they write. I guess it's clear by now that there's
no consensus yet, but that doesn't mean the problem cannot be
solved...it doesn't even necessarily mean that some people are
contradicting each other as it could well be that 'smooth' and 'smetana'
are related on a higher level...as Ron pointed out earlier on.

Kind greetings,

Luc Hellinckx


From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2005.07.31 (08) [E/German]

Jonny wrote:
> Kurz und gut: erst nach einem  Gespräch mit einem sprachkundigen Nachbarn
> wurde klar: 'sämig' ist ein gebräuchliches, hochdeutsches Wort, und er
> es online auf der Website von DUDEN. Und ebenso 'Schmand' mit 'd'!!!!!!!

My Duden says "Schmant", too. Then why can't I buy any? The stores and
bakeries only sell Schmand, nothing else. Google: Schmant - 854, and
Schmand - 83,500 hits. Schmandkuchen (a specialty from Lower Saxony): 10,200
hits; Schmantkuchen: 313 hits. Let Duden eat cake!!!

Gabriele Kahn

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