LL-L "Migration" 2005.08.15 (02) [E]

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Mon Aug 15 15:55:48 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 15.AUG.2005 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Migration"

Beste Ron,

You wrote:

>A Russian republic a country does not make.  Foreign administrative
>subdivisions don't count much, don't have their own embassies in Beijing.

>The 1000-year-old Jewish minority of Kaifeng (formerly classes as Hui or
>Han) is now semi-recognized, namely since establishment of diplomatic
>with Israel ...  And so the stories go.

>It ain't that different in Europe, is it?

Certainly not on the mainland Ron...*s*. "Administration" and "diplomacy"
are no dirty words over here *s*. Kafka's spirit is still wandering, and
the more you head west, the more people seem to believe in Machiavelism.
Even in this tiny country of mine.
This is surely not the right forum to discuss the idea(l) of "freedom" but
let me just tell you something I heard last night: A friend of mine told
me it's common to give waiters in the US a tip of 15% of the sum they're
collecting. Less if service is not what it should have been, more if it's
better than expected. Sounded quite much to me, but then he told me those
waiters were not getting a minimal income/salary, all the money they were
making was coming from tips. I have to admit this happened in Las Vegas,
so it may not be appropriate to label this typically American. Off the
record, how does the taxman then know how much they're making?
This is called "freedom" too I guess.
On a sidenote, all the waiters were Hispanics he said.

In another message you wrote:

>When I visited Xinjiang (Eastern Turkistan, Chinese Turkistan) in the
early 1980s, a couple of local Uyghurs >and one Russian told me that some
>lived in or near rural communities with predominantly Russian
>(We are talking about Chinese citizens here.)  The general area in
question is east of the capital Ürümchi, not >far from Ili and the border
with Kazakhstan.

You probably mean "west" there Ron (instead of east). The Ili river is
running west of Ürümchi (from east to west). An interesting document about
German presence in Kazakhstan can be obtained here:
and a map showing the geographic distribution of pockets of Germans in the
middle Ili-region can be viewed here:
(information is already more than ten years old).

Kind greetings,

Luc Hellinckx


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Migration

Hi, Luc!

I was able to "salvage" your submission during the "downage."

> You probably mean "west" there Ron (instead of east).

I did indeed.  Sorry and thanks.

Another absurdity with ethnic and linguistic classification and recognition 
in Xinjiang -- and I wonder if a similar case exists in the Lowlands or in 
Europe in general -- is that of the "Tajik" on the east slopes of the Pamir 
Mountains.  They are neither Tajik nor are they one group.  They happen to 
be the only remaining Iranic-speaking people under Chinese administration, 
have been given the catch-all label "Tajik" with reference to the people of 
nearby Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.  In reality they are two 
groups and two Pamir-Iranic and thus Southeastern Iranic languages: (1) 
Wakhi (or Wakhan, most of which are in Pakistan and Afghanistan) and (2) 
Sarikoli (a Shughni-Yazgolami variety).  Tajik is a Southwestern Iranic 
language, most closely related to Iranian Farsi (among others), and it is by 
no means mutually intellible with Wakhi and Sarikoli, nor are the latter two 
mutually intelligible.  I guess it would be similar if we referred to North 
Frisian and Jutish of Germany as "Dutch."

Unfortunately, the second map to mentioned shows these people as "Tajik," 
too.  And so it spreads and snowballs if you take other sources word for it.


P.S.: As for the tip thing -- which really does take us way outside our 
Lowlands paddock -- it is a general thing throughout the US, and there are 
calls for changing it.  My guess is that most people want to keep it this 
way so waiters keep sucking up to customers, unlike their Canadian 
colleagues who earn decent wages, don't rely on tips and, like European 
waiters, have a reputation for surliness among US tourists -- a stereotype 
with some basis in truth, in my experience.

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