LL-L "Language learning" 2005.12.01 (07) [E]

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Thu Dec 1 23:07:19 UTC 2005

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01 December 2005 * Volume 07

From: heather rendall <HeatherRendall at compuserve.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language learning" 2005.11.30 (01) [E]

Message text written by INTERNET:lowlands-l at LOWLANDS-L.NET
>I don't think it's as easy as all that to dismiss it as ignorance.<

What else can it be?

It should be 've short for have and then the tense being used  makes sense.

There is no possible meaning of 'of' or prior use of 'of' that could give
it any historical authenticity or satisfactory meaning.

It is used instead of a homonym when people write what they hear instead of
what has meaning.

And YES there are times when one can say that something is right and
ssomething else is wrong! It is no reflection on a person who says it.

Unless ov cors u are gooing to follo that lyn of thort in which effrybody
speeks and rites koreektly and never makes a mistake because no-one dare
mention the word 'wrong'.



From: Ben J. Bloomgren <Ben.Bloomgren at asu.edu>
Subject: LL-L "Language learning" 2005.12.01 (05) [E]

French children use it not just for etxts but also in internet chatrooms /


It makes me crazy when I email my Francophone friends because they won't put
the blasted accents! I use a screenreader, and it can't guess that pere
means père!


From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Language learning" 2005.11.30 (11) [E]

Dear Jonny

Subject: LL-L "Language learning"

> Encouraged by my own son tonight I was taken with a crazy idea: the
> creation of a LL-L-division for very young people.

As you please Jonny, but you know what will happen - it will be swamped by
the adults. This is pre-eminantly the list of prople interested in


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