LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.02.11 (09) [E]

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Sat Feb 12 01:29:56 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 11.FEB.2005 (09) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From:  Gary Taylor <gary_taylor_98 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Administrativia

Ok, so spurred on by our Ron telling me to forge on no matter what and my
need to be nerdy ;o), here's my version of The Wren using one of the many
orthographies I've come up with - this one based largely on standard English

A couple of notes - if a t is word final or before a consonant, then it's
said as a glottal stop. The
symbol <'> and the 'er' are both the neutral vowel schwa. The r is only
pronounced if it's before a vowel or <'> and the l is pronounced as an l if
it's before a vowel, otherwise it's a w. The symbol 'û' represents the u in
'put'. The 'aa' is like the a in hat but with double the length.

I'd appreciate any feedback as to readability.

Dher Ren

Wunts erpon er tiym, er ren faam'ley had dhair nest in er ga-rij. Wun day
dher pair'nts floow of ter get sumingk toow eeyt fer dher kidz leeyvin dher
sprogz on dhair oewn. Arfter er wiyl, dher farther ren kaym bak hoewm.

"Wos up?" hey arsks, "h'z sumwun had er goew ert yoow kidz? Yoow lûk

"Oew dad," dhay say, "dhair w'z er big skairey maan heer j'st now. Hey w'z
reerley feers ern ho-r'b'l. Hey staird intoow aa nest widh hiz big iyz. Wey
w'z wel skaird."

"Riyt," sez fardher ren, "iyl goew arfter him. Doewnt wu-rey now kidz. Iyl
getim." Ern widh dhat hey floow of arfter him.

Wen hey got rownd dher kûlner dhairz er liy'n wûlkin erlong. B't dher ren
wurnt skaird. Hey laands on dher liy'nz bak ern starts givin him ern eerfûl.

"Wot yoow playin at kumin rownd miy hows ern skairin mey kidz harf ter
deth?" hey showts. Dher liy'n did'nt bat ern iylid ern j'st kept wûlkin.
Dhis mayks dher lit'l lowd mowth hav eeyv'n mor erv er goew. "Yoowv got noew
biznis beeyin dhair, um telin yoow. Iy doewnt reerley woner doow it," hey
sez liftin wun erv hiz legz, "b't iy k'd brayk yor bak widh wun stamp!"

Widh dhat, hey floow bak ter hiz nest.

"Dhair yer goew kidz," hey sez, "dhat told him. Hey woewnt bey bak ter
bodher us."

Ga-rey (Gary) :)


From:  R. F. Hahn <lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net>
Subject: Administrativia

Hi, Gary!

Thanks for being "fire-uppable," sufficiently nerdy 8-0 and for taking the
extra step.

Your translation reads well to me, though I have read the other version and
have listened to your sound file.

I think you should just go out on a limb.  I suggest having both versions up
(and Mathieu will interlink them).  All you have to do is decide which of
the two written versions you want to have as your default page, and you and
I can privately confer how to write the orthography note containing the

Well, given your use of <er>, we might need to add a note for the
"rhoticicists" among English speakers ...

Cheers, mate!


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