LL-L "Etymology" 2005.02.14 (10) [D/E]

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Tue Feb 15 01:53:22 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 14.FEB.2005 (10) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From:  Dutch Matters <Dutchmatters at comcast.net>
Subject: Etymology

Hi Ron, May I present you with a gift of Dutch language usage?

Main verb:             Geven: from there to “de gift” a rather formal gift
as money for charity                                              “de gave”
,rather obsolete, but still used as in innate talent
“het gegeven” equals “the given” both in arithmetic and in what you get to
deal with in life.

Schenken: from there to “het geschenk” as so elegantly explained by Jo Thijs
( bedankt voor het woord plengoffer, dat had ik in geen jaren meer
gehoord! )
                                                Het geschenk is a “weighty”
present, like a wedding gift.

Het cadeau is much more lightharted, although the store where you bought it
might have tried to sell it to you as a “Geschenk”. Envision a birthday

Most fun of all is “het cadeautje” ( read a gifty ). Although the word is a
diminutive, it is not necessarily small. The Dutch use diminutives, more as
an editorial statement than as a statement of size.

There is also “het presentje” again a diminutive

We use presenteren more like in introduction of f.i. a new idea, or a new

Then there is also the word “het sticht” or het “stift” used for land
acquired by a church or by a noble family. ( Die Stiftung )

Finally there is the word donatie, which is used for gifts a good cause.

By and large any of these gifts is something to keep. If you were to have to
give something back it would be in “bruikleen”, meaning on loan to use as
long as you need it. (gebruiken as in German brauchen)

The reason we have so many words that mean almost the same is that we had so
many to choose from.

The “official” Dutch language came about at the beginning of the 17th
century, when a “Netherlands State” was cobbled together from areas that
spoke different dialects. In 1618 the newly formed “Staten Generaal” called
together a group of linguists to provide the

country with a new and original ( i.e. from the Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew )
translation of the bible. This proved to be impossible until the linguists
had agreed on a vocabulary. This came from Lowland speakers with Saxon,
Frisian, Low Franconian, West Brabants and Flemish roots. Since Dutch had
been the language of the little people, there was a need for a lot of new
words, which were not allowed to be derived from Latin or French sources.
( f.i. Aardrijkskunde meaning the knowledge of the earthy realm became the
word for Geography ). The bible was finished in 1637. It was important at
that time, because the government of the Netherlands had to show of that not
only were we a sovereign state, but a Protestant state as well! ( Politics
in the 17th century is fun, but not as much fun as that of the 16th
century ) Later came the shift towards a more French vocabulary, in the 19th
century after the industrial revolution it was the turn of German, and now
of course everything is English. It is a wonder that there are any Dutch
words left.

But it is true that if you want to speak Dutch elegantly, you need an
enormous vocabulary and a “Painters Ear”

De groeten allemaal. Jacqueline  [Bungenberg de Jong]


From:  R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Beste Jacqueline,

Bedankt voor de talrijke geschenken in een enkel doosje! Ik zal het heel
langzaam en voorzichtig afwikkelen en elk cadeautje bewonderen en bewaren.
(Vandaag is Valentijnsdag, maar dat is natuurlijk een toeval.  ;-)  )


P.S.: LL-L-Regels (http://www.lowlands-l.net/index.php?page=regels):

Dit is slechts een zachte herinnering (tot enkele leden).   :-)

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