LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.02.23 (05) [E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Thu Feb 24 00:45:47 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 23.FEB.2005 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: Szelog, Mike <Mike.Szelog at citizensbank.com>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2005.02.23 (02) [E]

Arthur wrote:

>I cannot find the Gothic word for
> "wren".

Yeah, that's why I kind of gave up on trying to do a Gothic version of "The
Wren" - just could not find a lot of the lexicon I needed - granted, I had
to do a lot of looking online as I don't have a Gothic dictionary to speak
of (just the small lexicon in the back of my grammars). It was just too much
work to try and reconstruct words - OK for a few, but I just needed too

I'd love to see a Gothic version - best of luck with it!

Mike S
Manchester, NH - USA


From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
Subject: LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.02.22 (11) [E]

Nice, Diederik! Your version reminds me a of the North Brabant dialects
from the time I lived in that Dutch province, from 1988 till 2001...
although it's clearly a Belgium variety. Quite Western Brabant looking,
from my former Eindhoven point of view, without umlauts, no 'h', etc. and
not too far from Standard Dutch.
By the way, is it in the dialect of the city or the province of Antwerp?
I suppose the latter. Is it recorded too?

Vriendelijk gegroet,
Ingmar Roerdinkholder

Þjóðríkr Þjóðreksson schreef:
>My version of the story, after some long thinking (the original version
>sounded too unnatural :)), in my version of the dialect of Antwerp. I
>thought I'd first post it as subject for reactions before recording it
>(maybe someone has something valuable to say). I think it's the final
>version though.
>The spelling is mainly Dutch-based.
>Et winterkeuninkske
>D’r was is e winterkeuninkske da zaaine nest in ‘n schuur ad gemokt.
>Oep ‘ne kieër ginge de twi ouwers is oep trot - oem ete te gon oale veur
>klaain manne - en ze liete un kroeëst ieëlemol allieën achter.
>Noa e tedje komt de voader trug toais.
>“Wad is d’r ier on d’and?” zeet ‘m “eet d’r iemand olle iet oangedoan? Ge
>zoeë van olle melk?”
>“Voader!” zeet d’r ieëne “d’r is d’rzjust zoe’ne groeëte lillekerd
>gepasseerd. Die zag d’r zoeë kolerig öt! Aai loerde zoeë mè van die groeët
>oeëge recht in ongze nest! ’t Is d’rmej da we zoeë verschote zèn!”
>“Zoude naa ni oemvalle” zeet die voader. “woar is’m enne?”
>“Aai is langs ginter gegoan, pa.” piepe die klentjes dan.
>“Wacht mor is af” zeed un voader “ik zal ‘k ik dieë smeerlap is agauw e
>leske gon lieëre.”
>En hup aai is weg.
>As‘m den oek oemvliegt ziet‘m doar toch wel ginne lieëuw zeker.
>Mor da vogelke ee ginnen bang, god oep dieë lieëuw zitte en begint van z’n
>oeëre te moake.
>“Wad edde gaai baai maain kot te zuke? En veurwa joagde gaai maain
>schrik oan?”
>Dieë lieëuw trekt z’n aaige van al die drukte niks ni oan en loept gewoeën
>Dus ongs klaain vogelke roept nog wad arder “Gaai et doar niks verlore
zè ‘k
>ik aa. A ge nog ieëne kieër af darft komme, zulde wel is zieng. Ik doen et
>ni gere” en aai eft e poetje oep “mor dan stamp ‘k aauwe rug kapot” Wornoa
>dat‘m trug nor z’ne nest vliegt.
>“Voila mannekes! Dat em ‘k is efkes gefixt! Die zien w' ier noeëit ni mer
>Diederik Masure


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary

OK, folks,

A few more of you have responded by submitting their personal introductions
for our 10th anniversary presentation.  You all get major brownie points.
More are needed.  So don't be shy!

Here's a repost:

However, rather pitiful remains the showing in the department of personal
introductions.  So far we have only eight of those (not counting yours
truly) -- from over 450 members ...  And the ones we have are so nice to
read!  Kudos to the eight of you who took the plunge!  What made me
particularly happy was that four of you are not among the most vocal on the
List (and they'll know whom I mean), two of you having posted only a couple
of times in your tenures of considerable duration.  It's so nice to get to
meet you and to realize that we have some really "cool" people on the List!
And some of the words you read there are really quite poignant -- at least
to me they are.

No, you do not have to be among the translators or among the usual talkers
to introduce yourselves.  No, you do not have be a show-off, a superstar, a
Nobel-Prize-winning author, a linguist, anthropologist, folklorist,
contortionist, somnambulist, exhibitionist or any other -ist type.  It's
particularly those of you who have next to no background in any of
the -istics that are the real asset to the List, that make it relevant and
are (wittingly or unwittingly) the liaison between the List and the rest of
the world.  Don't underestimate yourselves, and don't hide your lights under
a bushel!  Yes, you and your personal introductions matter, matter a lot!

So, please tell us about yourselves (whatever you feel comfortable to
reveal -- no pressure), about what brought you to the List and what you
think of it.  Please send your intros to me (with pictures if possible).
(Yes, I *am* willing to help if you are unsure or stuck, and no one else
will be the wiser.)  No, you do *not* have to write in English.

Thanks, Lowlanders!


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