LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.06.10 (08) [E]

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Fri Jun 10 23:23:15 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 10.JUN.2005 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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From: Þjóðríkr Þjóðreksson <didimasure at hotmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.05.10 (02) [A/D/E/LS]

>>appelkoos = aprikoos = appelkoos, aprikoos
>Isn't it aBrikoos in Dutch?
>In Zandvliet a perzik or aprikoos are both called appelkoos IIRC

Can't believe I actually wrote this! appelKOK is the Antwerpian/Zantvlietian
word, probably occurs in more dialects here.

D . [Diederik] Masure


From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2005.05.10 (02) [A/D/E/LS]

Dear Ben, Ron, Elsie & All:

Subject: LL-L "Language varieties"

"between Thackeray and Gelding"
"within an ace of different dialects..."

Where are Thackeray and Gelding? What is an ace in this sense?

Sorry, finger trouble there. I should have typed 'Golding'. Mind you slips
like that are a whole lot more evocative than the real thing!

In this sense 'Ace' = 'One thing' as in ONE step away from being different

I am relived to find support for my experience that we follow Nederlanders
better than they follow us. I will add though that I did not find this in
respect of Flemings. However it didn't surprise me in the least. In my great
grandmother's day, before the establishment of an Afrikaans Literature &
orthography, the best resource for lighter reading in the Afrikaans
community was in Flemish. When I was a kid there was still a lot of it
rattling about. Children use books hard, but I am sure it was acid paper
that did the rest, they are no more. I remember Smetse Smee very fondly...

Ron queried me on this Nederlands-Afrikaans thing. Ron, it's difficult for
the colour-blind to explain their experience to those posessed of the full
range of colours, but let me try:
Ron, you wondered how an Afrikaner navigates the grammatical structure of
Nederlands, & supposed that a Nederlander would have less trouble with that
of Afrikaans.
Speaking for myself, the answer is that for the most part I don't bother.
For the most part I don't have to. I concede that Nederlands conveys a good
deal of meaning grammatically, but even so it seems to me that the
word-order is to a great degree formalised, even if not specifically
exploited. It is certainly much more (analytically) structured than German.
You really need the grammer for German to a degree that you no longer need
for Nederlands. It seems to me that this is one of the reasons why Afrikaans
COULD evolve out of 17th Century Nederlands dialects. Wouldn't you say that
this is even more the case with Plattdeutch?

As a kid I had a try at a Teutonic Interlingua, of course I'd never heard of
Middelsprake. It was German that knacked me, but - who knows, perhaps a
really determined philologist could even hurdle that.


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